
Monday, July 23, 2012

UPDATED: Review: Cheeky plate N


Argh! Once again I did something wrong and an incomplete version of my post posted without me being finished! So again, I apologize if you saw this but didn't get any commentary. Here is what the post is *supposed* to look like. >.<

Recently when browsing on Amazon hoping the new Cheeky plates might have been released early, I found something I hadn't seen before: Cheeky XL plate N. Of course, being a crazy stamp horder, I had to order it immediately! Okay, that's only half true, once I saw how many cool designs it had on it, I had to order it immediately. Here are the images, followed by my comments:

I was pleasantly surprised to find that these images are wider and taller than Konad, and are wider than the other Cheeky XL plates. Here are the dimensions:

Konad: 1 inch wide X 1 1/4 inches tall

Other Cheeky XL images: 1 1/4 w X 1 1/2 t

Cheeky N images: 1 1/2 w X 1 1/2 t

This means that if you have a problem using Konad image plates across the full width of your nail, and even the Cheeky XL images are usually too small, this plate gives you more room to play with.

In terms of stamping, these images stamp beautifully. The engraving is high quality; I have done several manicures with them, and I have had no problems at all. You can use a regular stamper or an XL stamper with them--I recommend an XL squishy stamper for easy placement of the French tips.

If you're interested in getting one, I found mine on Amazon, and it was $11.99, with free shipping if you're an Amazon Prime member.

Thanks for reading, and sorry for the glitch! If any of you out there have had this happen and know why it's happening, any tips you have would be appreciated. :)

M. :)

(the products reviewed in the post were purchased with my own money.)


  1. Wooow! The french tips are the best! Love it! =)

    1. I agree, I love them too. If you have a minute look at the post again now that I posted it properly tho, lol!! :)

  2. I love the 2 designs with the bubbles. Great for my under the sea manis. Thx for sharing.


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