
Monday, August 20, 2012

MSMD Monday: Saran Wrap nails


I am very excited today about my MSMD because I was finally able to try out a technique that has intrigued me for quite some time. I've seen a couple of manicures done with the saran wrap technique, but it was one done by Manicurity that finally sent me over the edge. You can see the original manicure here.; I really love the colors she chose and the texture was visible enough to get me thinking.

I started with a mystery base polish that I'll feature in its own post later in the week; it's a duochrome that shifts from green to purple to olive to brown to rose. Green is the predominant color, and purpple is the second most common, so I decided to play up this combination.

I chose Sally Hansen Lovely Lilac for the saran wrap portion of the manicure. If you don't know this technique, it's extremely easy. Take a drop of polish and put it on a piece of paper or a piece of plastic. Take a ball of scrunched up saran wrap, and dip it into that drop of polish. Then tap it on the paper or plastic a few times to get off the excess polish and spread the polish out a bit. Then gently tap onto your nails. Start gently--you can always tap again, but can't take it away if there's too much. Here's how mine came out:

(sorry for the messed up cuticles! I tried to re-take the pictures after cleaning them up but for some reasons the colors in that second set came out washed out.)

In the sun

Up close in the sun to show the texture :)

It was pretty on its own, but it clearly needed something. So, I busted out mah Konad m60 and stamped some pretty little green flowers with Sally Hansen Lickety-Split Lime, and used a dotting tool and SH Pronto Purple to make the centers of the flowers. I Seche Vited it up, and was good to go!

This is one of those manicures that no matter how I tried, I couldn't capture it well on camera...the duochrome and sparkle of the underlying polish played really well with the creme finishes of the texture and stamping. It comes through a bit in the sun pictures, but is so much nicer in real life (I'm still wearing it, couldn't bear to take it off yet to do tomorrow's challenge!)

I really love the texture you get from this technique. It's quick, easy, and doesn't use much polish. As you can see from my first picture, it doesn't mess up your cuticles anymore than regular stamping does most of the time (Hey...yeah...*that's* why I left the cuticle mess there, so I could show you how not messy it is...yeah, yeah, that's it!). This one is definitely going into my repertoire of often-used techniques--you can expect to see it again soon!

Hope you enjoyed it, and thanks for stopping by. Don't forget to check out the other MSMD manicures done by the lovely ladies of CNTs, linked below!



  1. I remember seeing her do that as her MSMD last week and loved how hers turned out. I am loving your color combo and like that you stamped over it. I hate when you try super hard to photograph something and it won't show up at all. I feel your pain there.

    1. Thank you! And yes, camera shy manicures are the worst...grrr...

  2. This is so pretty! I really want to try the saran wrap nails, the effect is so neat!


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