
Thursday, August 2, 2012

NOTD Before & After: Risque Niasi Besouro


Today I have a very simple before & after for you, showcasing another of the amazing Brazilian polishes I got in my swap. Today I have the unique and stunning Risque Niasi Besouro.

Janaina tells me that 'Besouro' translates to 'Beetle', and that's a perfect name for this polish. If you've ever seen one of those black scarab-type beetles that has the dark purple-black color with the rainbow sheen at the edges, you'll be able to see that in this polish. It's a silver-black-purple that flashes a more true purple and a soft teal. This is a more subtle duochrome than Hit's Dreamer was; the color flashes are less pronounced and play off of the steelish-black, but are no less beautiful because of it. The duochrome shows more in indirect light, but it does show in the sunlight more than you see here (I'm starting with the sunlight pictures first so I can show the least duochrome-y shots at the start). Also, there are flecks of teal and purple in the polish that show through in all lights:

Risque Besouro in the sunlight

Risque Besouro: Check out those little flecks of teal and purple
Risque Besouro in the shade: flecks and slight duochrome

Risque Besouro: Note the soft purple and teal duochromes

Risque Besouro: Pretty duochrome makes me happy

Rique Besouro: Note the subtle color shift within the purple and teal

Risque Besouro: To show you it isn't just one position that give the effect :)

I was not able to take this off for several days, I loved it that much. Finally because I was going up to the Napa wine country, I decided to do a subtle stamp on it in the wine theme. But, purple would have been too easy, so I played up the teal instead, by stamping it with Color Club's Pure Energy, using Bundle Monster plate BM05:

Risque Besouro stamped with Color Club's Pure Energy

As I was picking my jewelry for the trip, I tried it on with this ring, and fell in love with how well they went together; you can't see the range in this picture, but the abalone insert flashes the same shades of purple and teal as the polish much of the time:

Risque Besouro: How perfectly does it go with that ring?!

Another shot because I loved it so much I couldn't just choose one.

I can't say enough good things about this polish. All total, I ended up wearing it for about 4 days, and only the last day did I have any chipping. And that was through two trips in a jacuzzi! So it also wears pretty well.

If you can get your hands on this through a swap or another way, I highly recommend it. Why wear a regular steel-black when you can wear this stunner???!!

Hope you enjoyed seeing it; thanks for reading. :)



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