
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Indie-Licious Review: SoFlaJo The True Death and Frankie's Lab Dance


Halloween is soooo close I can almost taste it...and I've been branching into some awesome Indie polishes to help me design my upcoming Halloween manicures. I've joined not one but two Halloween challenges, since I've been waiting to sink my teeth into some awesome Halloween nail art anyway. Don't worry, I won't be posting Halloween stuff every day, because I know Halloween isn't everybody's thing. But I'm not gonna lie, there will be a fair number of ghastly, ghostly, ghoully manis. :)

A great place to start any Halloween manicure is with the polishes from SoFlaJo's Halloween collection, and I snapped up two of them, Frankie's Lab Dance and The True Death. When the package arrived, I was very happily surprised at the thoughtful touches that she put into the package:

Contents of package from SoFlaJo
In addition to the polishes, she invluded a fortune teller fish, a little Halloween get-the-balls-in-the-right-spots game, an orange spider ring, a black balloon, cool confetti and paper shreds, and cute Halloween stickers on the packaging! Honestly, I haven't had such kid-like joy upon opening anything for a long time. It felt like I'd just gotten back from trick-or-treating. :)

And then there were the polishes...first up, Frankie's Lab dance:

SoFlaJo's Frankie's Lab Dance in the bottle--check out that glitter

SoFlaJo's Frankie's Lab Dance--look at that color shift

Check out that glitter...

Better shot of the color shift...

Frankie's Lab Dance is a stunning sea blue/ sea green polish that has a liberal amount of tiny orange, green and purple glitter and a gorgeous duochrome shift. This polish is beautiful at any angle in my opinion, and while the glitter is clearly in Halloween colors, I think it's subtle enough that this polish would definitely work at other times of year. I don't know about Frankie, but this polish definitely makes me want to dance. :) The only issue I had with it is that it does take several coats to even and become opaque--but for a polish this gorgeous, who cares?

Next up is The True Death...(love that name so flipping much)...:

SoFlaJo's The True Death in the bottle

Look at that color shift!

SoFlaJo's The True Death on the nail

SoFlaJo's The True Death showing color shift
The True Death is a very dark vampy purple-red that has tiny flecks of red-orange and green in it, and a subtle duochrome shift from sexy-vampire purple-red to deep zombie green. This is a very subtle shift--you won't see it often or strong, but you will see it now and again. It's more versatile than it looks at first glance; I've used it for some Halloween nail polish and when I put orange over it, the orange flecks come out more strongly; it seems to shift a bit depending on what you put it with. The formula on this was okay; I had a little unevenness, but it cleared up after that second coat. :)

I love both of these polishes in very different ways, and can't wait to show you some nail art using them. You can find the Terrified Collection by clicking here;  at the current time, her full-sized bottles sell for $10 and her minis go for $5. :)

Thanks for looking,

M. xoxo

(the polishes in this review were purchased with my own money.)


  1. oooh, true death is awesome! I can't wait to see your Halloween manis

  2. They're both so gorgeous! I looove the little ribbon details on the bottles too, that's what I enjoy most about indie polishes I think.

    1. I agree. Personal touches like that make all the difference. :)


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