
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Before & After: Private School with honors


Today's prompt in the 31 Day Challenge is 'color opposites'. One of my favorite sets of contrasts is white and black with red, or white and grey with red. That might be one of the reasons I love Pretty & Polished's Private School so much; at first glance it looks like a grey polish with white and black hexes...but then...when you look closer...bah-bam! Awesome red microglitter!

Pretty & Polished Private School

Love that's the wild side of that proper private school straight-A student!

So I decided to do something simple to accent that. At the schools I went to, if you graduated with honors, you wore a special set of cords hanging around your neck and down your shoulders over your gown on graduation day. So I decided to make a set of honors ropes for this lovely polish with nail tape and rhinestones:

My cuticles don't graduate with honors these days, that's for sure. I've been putting cuticle oil on them 1-2 times a day, but the combination of daily polish changes and weather have been taking their toll. I'll try to get them in better shape!

Anyway, it's a fun, simple mani with some contrasting colors, and I'm pretty happy with how it came out. Now, off to bed with me!

Thanks for reading, and please check out the other manicures linked below. :)



  1. hey, that went out pretty goooood. Love them. Don't worry about the cuticles,I have the same problem. Eventually it will be fine. Kisses.

  2. I did'nt see that micro red glitter at first glance. Very cool!

    Mel x

  3. A good cuticle fix is to warm up some olive oil in the microwave for a few secs (be careful it gets hot quickly) and then soak ur nails and cuticles in it for about ten minutes while gently rubbing the oil into the cuticles. hope that helps :)

    1. Okay, I'll try that. Can you do it with Argon oil?

  4. nice!
    I like how you used a fiery red against the grey. Looks great :)


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