
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Before & After: Whimsical Ideas by Pam Kismet's Pajamas


Today is day 2 of the 31 Day Challenge in the Crumpet Nail Tart group. Today's prompt is 'silver'.

For the prompt I chose to showcase Kismet's Pajamas, by Whimsical Ideas By Pam. I really feel this polish is nail art in a bottle all by itself, so I only did a small tweak to it. I'd like to believe that I could have come up with a perfect layering of glitters over black to make something this beautiful, but Pam put it all into one bottle so I didn't have to.

Kismet's Pajamas is a black-based polish with silver and purple hex glitters of various sizes:

Whimsical Ideas By Pam Kismet's Pajamas

What is it with me and side-shots of glitter? Idk, I just love them. :)

And a quick straight shot!

When I first saw the name, I was really intrigued by it...I thought 'How deep! Kismet/fate/predestination wearing pajamas...symbolically, what does that mean?! And the polish looks like a night sky with fantastical elements! So cool!' Then, when I read about it, I found out it's named after her cat, Kismet--and that made it even better somehow. :)

As I say, I love this polish as is, and I struggled with the idea of stamping something over it to add more silver, or something similar. In the end, I decided the best thing to do would be to play up the silver already in the polish, which I did by matte-ifying it:

Kismet's Pajamas with matte topcoat

I love it both ways, and this is one of those rare manicures I actually wore for 3 days before taking it off, and even then didn't want to. This definitely tops my list of favorite polishes and I see a lot of use for it in my future.

Truth be told, every polish I've had from Pam has been a stunner. You can find her polishes on her Facebook page here; she sells via e-mail and Paypal.

I'll be back later today with another post featuring my "'Q' is for..." manicure. In the meantime, please check out the other silver manicures, linked below! :)


(I purchased this polish with my own money.)


  1. Replies
    1. Matte topcoat is such magic sometimes...sigh...:)

  2. Very pretty! I love it with the matte look!

  3. This polish is gorgeous and looks gorgeous on you!!!

    1. Thank you so much! I love dark, bold colors against my skin. :)

  4. Dangit now I want this one too!!! I love her polishes! I have Magical Mystery Tour right now, but I'm seriously lusting after several others, and now this one!
    Lovely post!

    1. I know, right? There are always a ton of her polishes on my mental wishlist, lol. Someday...someday...maybe I will have dem all!!!!!! Mwuah hahh hahha hahhhhahhhhhh....

  5. Very pretty! Adding the matte was a good choice. Some glitters look even better with it, plus for me it refreshes a mani when I'm too lazy to take off a glitterbomb and repaint my nails.

    1. Yes, exactly! Matte is so great for that, and it always amazes me what a difference it can make...:)

  6. Replies
    1. I know, right??? Such a gorgeous polish. And the formula on it was *fantastic*.

    2. :D
      I love how you went on about it being named Kismet, and then after a few lines told us all that it was named after her cat. made me giggle a bit

    3. ROFL!! That's exactly how I felt when it happened to me. Here I was looking for these deep meanings, lol!

  7. This polish is so pretty, I like it mattified too!!!

    1. Thank you! It's funny how cool glitters can look mattified...


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