
Thursday, January 24, 2013

NOTD: Clothing Makes The Man (or, this is why I use stamping plates)


I didn't mean to make him look like Gonzo.

It's hard to paint with nail polish, it really is. But you know what's harder? Painting with nail polish with your off-hand. If I've told myself once, I've told myself a thousand times---do your freehand with the hand you actually write with. This greatly improves your chances of not creating an accidental Gonzo, and improves your chance of not accidentally making a psychopathic-looking Gonzo even more.

So, this week's theme in my Let It Snow challenge is 'Snowmen'. And I decided that a good concept for this would be 'Clothing Makes The Man', where I have a snowman on each nail, but only one of them is happy because only that one is dressed up and looking spiffy.

(holy crap did i just use the word spiffy?)

Well...I still think the concept is great, we just have to alter it a bit to 'Clothing Makes the Gonzo'...which possibly argues *against* the up-lifting effect of spiffy awesome clothes, rather than *for* it:

Please don't ask me why my top hat looks like a sombrero-cowboy hybrid. Or why Gonzo looks like he's about to stab you to death. I don't have answers to any of these questions, and what's sadder is...this is the improved version over the initial attempt.

Actually, more I look at it...the more it looks like a troupe of zombie snowmen coming to clear out a sleepy small-town village...That can't be good... Brb, I have to look up in the DSM-V to see if there are any psychological disorders that are characterized by accidentally making zombies out of all of your free-hand nail art, whether you mean to or not.

As I'm sure you're all rushing to recreate this, let me share with you the polishes I used. The base is Zoya's Mimi, and it's actually quite lovely when not covered with vagrant snowmen. I used Sally Hansen White On, Wet n Wild Ebony Hates Chris, Pure Ice Siren, Pure Ice Silver Mercedes, Revlon Cloud, and Sally Hansen Orange Impulse for the Snowmen themselves.

Well, on the positive side, linked below you will find other snowmen manicures, many of them probably well-executed and without psychopathic zombie muppet overtones.



  1. Hola!! me vería capaz de hacerme los muñecos de nieve de todos los dedos menos el del dedo anular, que chulo!! pero qué dificil!

    Un besito desde  ❤sɔıʇǝɯsoɔƃuıʌol❤
    Mi reto de manicuras comienza el 4 de febrero, aún puedes apuntarte!

  2. Zombified off-hand snowman TEE HEE! I love your psychopathic snowman! He looks like he is off kilter happy because he stole all the other snowmens clothes! Made my day!

    1. ROFL!!! Woo-hoo, I love someone who thinks crazy like me! Glad you enjoyed it. :)

  3. I'm already creeped out by dolls and clowns, now I can add snowmen to the list! Made me smile though, and I think it's a very good interpretation of when snowmen start to melt.
    Seriously, love your manis, look forward to the next one. :-)

    1. ROFLMAO! I know how you feel, I'll never look at a snowman the same way again...>.> And thanks so much, I means the world to me to know there are people out there who like what I do. Even the stuff that goes a little...awry, lol!

  4. That was a hilarious post! My impression was that the other snowmen were dazed and afraid of Gonzo in a Sombrero.

    1. ROFL!!! I think I like your interpretation best, lol...they're afraid, very afraid...:)


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