
Friday, May 3, 2013

Before & After: Misty Circuitry


With the beginning of May comes a new theme in my Nail Challenge Collaborative, and this month's theme is: Stamping! Oh yeah baby, you know I'm excited about this one!

I want to start off with a simple stamping job that I think is special because it plays off of a gorgeous indie polish, Fanchromatic Nails Misty Mountains:

Fanchromatic Nails Misty Mountains

After wearing it for a day, I struggled to find some way to stamp it that would create something fun. So I stamped with China Glaze Westside Warrior and Cheeky plate GA37:

Maybe it's just me, but I think this looks like cool electronic circuitry from some crazy old motherboard somewhere. I like that the stamping is bold, but the glitter still shows through, like diodes or something (me no speak electronics).

What do you think? Do you see it too, or am I crazy? Or, do you see it too, but I'm still crazy? :P

Thanks for looking, and please check out the other stamped manis linked below. :)

Hugs and love,


  1. I love this polish, and I love what you did with it! Great job (and happy Friday!) :)

    1. Thank you so much! Happy Friday to you too. :)

  2. Love the yellow glitter in this polish. So pretty!

  3. OMG!! You always amaze me with the non stamping polishes you stamp with. This is beautiful!

    1. Thank you! China Glaze is great for stamping polish, especially their cremes and metallics, but not just those. :)


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