
Thursday, July 4, 2013

Dirty Little Secrets Tag


Recently Inky Whiskers did this Dirty Little Secrets Tag that I really enjoyed, and invited us to self-tag if we wanted to. So I decided to do it. :)

1) What TV show do you secretly watch?
Real Housewives of New Jersey. I'm half-Italian American from the East Coast. These are my people! I am both proud and ashamed...But always fascinated, lol.

2) What is your worst bad habit?
Sometimes I forget to turn off the light in the Red Room of Pain when I'm done. KIDDING! Seriously, I am horrible horrible horrible at the phone. I turn it off for meetings and forget to turn it back on and I miss texts and calls and don't get them for hours. It's really annoying to my friends and I don't blame them.

3) What do you secretly like the smell of?
My cats. People talk about how bad cats smell, but that's not true--they're thinking of the litter box, which is totally dependent on the human to clean it. Cats naturally have no smell--it's how they survive as hunters, because if their prey smells them, well, the game is up; this is also why they are such fastidious cleaners, because they have to get rid of the smell of anything that gets in their coat. That said, I love burying my face in my cats' fur. It's like smelling the cleanest fur glove you'll ever find. :)

4) What are you secretly lusting after?
I'm pretty open about the things I lust after, and there are many of them, lol. But I guess the one I don't really talk about a lot is that I'd really like to have a relationship with my half-sister. I didn't know she existed until a few years ago, and I've tried to get a relationship going, but it hasn't really gone anywhere. I've come to accept it, but it still makes me sad.

5) What song do you secretly know all the words to?
Spice Girls Wannabe.

6) What is the most expensive thing you own? Do you regret buying it?
The uninteresting answer is my car (and no I don't regret buying it cause my work commute is 2 hours each way, lol). But I don't think that's the spirit of the question. The most expensive frivolous thing I own is my ruby necklace. I didn't buy it, so I can't regret buying it. It was a very treasured gift I got when I graduated with my Ph.D, and I adore it.

7) Who is the one 'non-famous' person you'd secretly like to meet (blogger/youtube related)?
Without hesitation, Andrea Plasmaspeedo. She cracks me up, and I can't imagine anyone being able to be sad for a minute around her. I'd love to hang out with her for an evening. :)

8) What is your biggest pet peeve?
Okay, get ready to board the train for crazy town, 'cause I'm about to take you on that ride. There are a couple of expressions that people get WRONG constantly, and it drives me up the flippin' wall, because if you stop and think about them for a second, it's clear they don't make sense the way most people use them. One is when people say 'The proof is in the pudding'. No, no--no it isn't. Not even a little bit. 'Cause what the hell does that even mean, anyway?! Did a team of forensic experts hide the blood-stained knife in pudding? No, that's just ridiculous. The proper expression is 'The proof of the pudding is in the taste'. And that makes sense--the proof of how well you made the pudding is how it tastes!! But that's nothing compared to how crazy I get when people say 'Have your cake and eat it, too'. No. NO. NOOOOOOO. There is no trick to having your cake and then eating it. In fact, you have to have it before you can eat it, logically. The trick is EATING it, and then still HAVING it. The proper expression is 'Eat your cake and have it, too'.

I know, I know...Calm down Michelle. Yes, you're right. It's culturally accepted in the U.S. to say 'Have your cake and eat it, too', even if that makes no sense. Deal with it, Michelle. And here's a funny story about that, which shows I'm clearly on the wrong side of this cultural more. You remember the Unibomber? In the manifesto that he wrote, he used the phrase 'Eat your cake and have it, too', and forensic linguists who were studying it noted that he used the non-traditional form that very few Americans use, and found this noteworthy. Later when his family, who suspected he might be the unibomber, brought some of his letters to investigators, one of the things that helped them get a warrant to search his premises and such was the fact that one of the letters also contained the non-American wording 'Eat your cake and have it, too'.

Yeah. That keeps it in perspective for me, lol.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed seeing how crazy I am, lol! Like Inky, I'm not going to tag anybody, but if you decide to do this, I'd love to read it--please let me know in the comments if you do. :)

Hugs and plenty of cake and pudding for the having, eating, and tasting,


  1. I love this sort of posts ("this/these sort/-s of post/-s"? // see below for more, lol)

    And please allow me to join you on that train ride :D
    Regarding 8.: I was really expecting to see "could care less" up there.
    *deep breath*
    Had a lengthy rant prepared, lol, but it's really not worth it. Besides, additional googling told me once again it's more of a cultural thing/difference (is it really?).. which I find hard to accept.. but whatever, I just know I personally sometimes *couldn't* care less :)

    (yeah, I'm aware my (non native) English isn't perfect, either, it's just this whole could/couldn't thing I can't get over :))

    1. ROFL!! Yes, that one is definitely on my list!!! If you 'could care less', that means it's possible that you *could* care less, so maybe you care a lot! How am I supposed to know from that? Now if you 'couldn't care less', that lets me know that you care so little, it isn't possible for you to care any less than you already do. GGGRRRRRRRR. But I figured two sayings was enough crazy for one post, lol...Glad to know I'm not alone. :)

  2. This is great!! I was laughing at your pet peeves! I am loving these new type of posts to your blog!!

    1. Hee hee hee...I'm glad you're enjoying them, I'm enjoying writing them. :)

  3. I'm the same way over 'unsweetened' tea! lol Tea is not sweet by nature. You make it sweet by adding sugar. You can't remove the sugar once it's in the tea, so how can you have unsweetened tea? Regular brewed tea for me, please!

    1. ROFL! You know, I never thought of that! Now I have a new one for my list, lol...:)

  4. I do the same thing with my phone. It drives my husband crazy.!! And I totally understand about the cats... I miss my cat. I love my dog, but she does like to get messy and stinky.

    1. Yes! I love my dog, but the only time I really want to bury my face in her fur is when she's had a bath recently, lol!

  5. Whoa! Thanks for the explanation on "have my cake and eat it too" hahaha I'm not an English native speaker so I never understood that!! Now I know it really doesn't make ANY sense cause its the other way around! Lol!!!
    I'm nitpicky about things too :P

    1. See! It makes no sense the way people say it!! lol! :) Thanks for supporting me in my quirk...<3


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