
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Before & After: Witches are people, too...

(All products in this post were purchased with my own money.)


We all know the story of The Wizard Of Oz. We know what happened to Dorothy, we know what happened to Toto, we know what happened to the Wicked Witch of the West. In fact, another book has been written about Elphaba and Glinda and their backstories, even.

But what about that poor witch who dies right off of the bat, when Dorothy's house falls on her? What about the Wicked Witch of the East? What do we know about her? Let's face it, she sort of got the short end of the broom stick in the whole deal.

I don't know much about her background, but I know this. When I decided to combine two challenge themes, Kimber's theme of 'inspired by a book' and Lacquer Dream's Halloween challenge theme of Witches, it got me thinking. That witch most certainly never made it home to her witchy lair that night, and it has laid abandoned and sad ever since. So I decided to do a mani about what we might see if we peeked in one of the windows.

I started with a base of Shirley Ann Nail Lacquer Candy-Coated Poison, a slate blue shimmer with a soft yellow-green duochrome shift:

Shirley Ann Nail Lacquer Candy-Coated Poison, 2 coats, indirect sunlight

Because it's been a good 90 years since she's been home, I added some bits of orange and green nail foil, to look like bits of paint that had been peeling off of the wall (most of the green got covered up). There have to be tons of spider webs all around, so I stamped some with BM-H07 and Konad black on two of the fingers. Her cool witch outfits would be long abandoned, so I stamped the hat and witch shoes (she left those at home cause she was wearing her fancy ruby slippers that day) from the same plate; to get dimension, I first stamped with colored polish, then black, and then covered with more polish by hand (I used Sally Hansen Lively Lilac and Lickety-split Lime):

Ooo, ooo, witchy woman

Raven hair and ruby lips

Sparks fly from her fingertips

While I'm sad ::sniff sniff:: about the fate of the witch, I adore that little spider guy on the hat, even though it's sort of hard to see from this angle. In fact, I'll be honest, he's what inspired this manicure, when I took a look at him on the hat next to the webs, it got me thinking about why a cool witch hat like that would by lying around covered in spider webs. :)

Thanks for taking a look! Hugs and love,

(All products in this post were purchased with my own money.)


  1. You did such an amazing job! Can I share this on my page? I love seeing what you come up with and using my polish was just an added bonus!

    1. Wow, you beat me to it, lol! I was gonna surprise you by posting it to your FB page. Yes, please do!! :) :) :) And, btw, such a gorgeous polish. :)

  2. the base color itself is actually really nice !

    1. Isn't it great? You should check out here stuff. My favorite of hers is Alaskan Tree Frog. :)

  3. Oh my god you did such a great manicure, you put a lot of thought into it and I can only admire this! :D I love your theme, and that base color is stunning! :D Bravo!

  4. Aww, that's so sweeeet, giving the Wicked Witch focus of this theme!! :) And while I'm not exactly loving the base colour (pretty, yes, but not my kinda shade), the end result is awesome!

    1. Thank you! Funny thing is, I have always wondered about her and felt a bit bad for her, lol. :)

  5. I love, love the thought you put into this mani!! What a cute story!!

    And you did a fabulous job bringing this all to life!!!

  6. Awesome and a great Halloween mani to boot =)

    1. Thank you! One of my goals for the month is to try to make as many of my challenges Halloweeny as possible. :)

  7. OMG I love every little bit of your mani! The shoes, the hat, the spider and the webs are all adorable!

  8. I love the Wizard of Oz! You did an amazing job on your nails!

  9. I love your witchy nails, they look fantastic! As do the webs :)

    1. Thank you! The more I look at that web image, the more I love it. The webs are just all kooky and random and I love that! :)

  10. I absolutely love the base color. The stamping and freehand is great. After I did my mani I realized I should have done the wizard of oz but now glad I didn't. I don't think my freehand is great but yours is.

    1. Oh hush, you!!! I'm sure yours would have been awesome, and mine is a cheat, lol--I used the stamp as a guide and just filled in. :) And thank you!!! :)


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