
Thursday, July 3, 2014

Nail Polish Blogger's Connection Giveaway!!

Hello everyone!

Some wonderful bloggers from The Nail Polish Blogger's Connection group have joined together for an awesome giveaway!

There are three prizes, each one a $40 gift certificate to an on-line polish shop of your choice. Our suggestions are Llarowe, Sally Magpies, Harlow & Co., or Mei Mei's Signatures, but we are happy to consider other shops, as well. :)

This is an international giveaway, open to anybody--just make sure there is a gift certificate you can use from a store that ships to your area. There should be at least one in that list that ships to you, but make sure to check. :)

The giveaway runs until noon Pacific time on July 31st, and you know the drill--rafflecopter widget below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thanks to everyone who supports my blog, and good luck! Let's get you some awesome summer polish! :)

Hugs and loves,


  1. I don't have a blog so I didn't post a blogpost!! Sorry! I did everything else though, for this wonderful giveaway! Thanks for this chance to win such a fantastic prize!!!

  2. Awesome giveaway thank you for a Chance To Win !

  3. Fantastic giveaway, thanks for the opportunity.


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