
Saturday, September 13, 2014

Review and Before & After: MoYou London Rebel 02


Today I'm reviewing MoYou London Rebel Collection plate 02. Before I even show you the video, I have a funny story to tell you about this plate. when I saw it, so many of the images appealed to me and looked vaguely familiar, but I couldn't quite place a lot of them. So, as you'll hear, I sort of babble along about them (as I normally do), and never made the connection to why I love the images on the plate so much! I mention that I know a lot of them are something famous, but I can't place them...Then, once I posted this on YouTube, an awesome viewer reminded me that a lot of these images come from the artist Banksy--once I read that, it all fell into place! (Thank you, Sarah R.!!) So this plate is the true epitome of my dork-i-tude. Here's hoping you find it a-dork-a-ble! (I couldn't resist, sorry). :)

Here's the video:

If you enjoy my dorkiness, particularly when I don't know what the heck things are on the plates, you're gonna love this one. There are a ton of images that I have no idea what they are, and probably more that I've identified incorrectly, so please do let me know if I've mislabeled something or if you know one of the ones I didn't!

Okay, let's move on to the still photos of the plate:

MoYou London Rebel Collection 02
MoYou London Rebel Collection 02

MoYou London Rebel Collection 02
MoYou London Rebel Collection 02

MoYou London Rebel Collection 02

And here's the comparison with a standard Konad plate so you know how big the images are, approximately:

Comparison of MoYou London Rebel Collection 02 vs. Standard Konad plate
Comparison of MoYou London Rebel Collection 02 vs. Standard Konad plate

Next, I'll show you my text manicure, and then I'll discuss the plate at the end. :)

For my base, I used Chick Polish Hipster Chick, an avocado green with holographic glitter scattered throughout:

Chick Polish Hipster Chick
Chick Polish Hipster Chick

Chick Polish Hipster Chick
Chick Polish Hipster Chick

Chick Polish Hipster Chick
Chick Polish Hipster Chick

I tested out the image of the little girl letting go of the heart shaped balloon; I stamped the girl on my ring finger and the balloon on my middle finger, both in Barry M Gold Foil. I also stamped an image from MoYou London Pro collection 16 with Barry M Silver Foil, to complete the look:

Love is all around us. :)

You can see that the image of the girl and balloon stamped accurately; what's on the plate ended up on the finger, so plate stamped well.

I do have a warning for you about this plate. Some of the images, many of them, are muddy--not because they have been etched badly or are defective, but because of the style of image. I think they are trying to capture the graffiti-feel of the Banksy art, so the images are not perfectly delineated, and when you stamp them they are going to reflect that style. I have seen other plates where an image looks a bit muddy on the plate, but once you stamp it it's easy to identify because of the color contrasts, but this is not that type of plate. So don't go in thinking you're going to have more definition, and you'll be just fine and love this plate with your whole heart. :)

I think there are some really fun images on this, and I don't regret buying it for a minute, even if I don't know what some of the images are! :)

What do you think, any images here you like?



  1. Looks like a really nice plate! Great review on it.

  2. Hee hee.. that's too cute; that process when the word/idea is stuck somewhere in the back of your mind, but you just cannot reach it - and then someone reminds you about it and it all just clicks. :D

    Yeah, I love Banksy's stuff, recognised most of it immediately. *brb, let me google something* ..apparently, that panda is not his work, though often mistakenly attributed to him, because of a similar style used.

    Interesting to hear you say that images don't stamp as clear, but imitate the "feel" of a graffiti - I think that's really cool.

    1. I was so embarrassed!! I am going to save face by saying it's because I saw it out of context, not on walls...yeah, yeah, that's it!! lol. But yes, this is an awesome, funky plate and I just adore it. :)

  3. No idea, so thanks for the lesson :) Great concept and super cute video-- you're so adorable :) :)

    1. Lol, thanks so much! You're sweet to say 'adorable' and not 'a-dork-able', lol!


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