
Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Review: MoYou London duochome stamping polish

(Press sample)

It's no secret I live for duochrome polishes. When I first entered into the world of the polish obsessed, the only truly beautiful duochromes were made in the other hemisphere, and I did a lot of long-distance jewelry. The polish world has changed a lot since then, and the most recent addition to my duochrome madness is MoYou London's duochrome stamping polishes.

I rarely make videos of anything other than nail plates, but was so excited about these, I couldn't help myself:

Okay, so! Let's take a look at these beauties. They come in these nice boxes, so if you like to keep your polishes all organized and looking chic, you'll love this:

The two they sent me are Ginger Rust, which has a gold-to-green shift similar to the lovely Chanel Peridot, and Purple Haze, which has a purple-to-copper shift with a little pink thrown in for good measure:

MoYou London Ginger rust and Purple Haze
MoYou London Ginger Rust and Purple Haze

I'll admit, I was a bit skeptical when I first saw these polishes; I didn't have any doubt that they'd stamp over dark colors but in the past I've seen these sorts of pigments fade to nothing over lighter colors. So I tested them out over both for you.

Both of the polishes had a good consistency for stamping--thick enough to work with easily, but not so thick you feel like you're dealing with sludge. When I first put the polish on the plate, it seemed a bit sheer, but that turned out not to be a problem, as you'll see. But unlike polishes that you paint your nails with, let's face it, formula really isn't a make-or-break thing--what matters is how the polishes stamp. So let's take a look...

First, let's do Ginger Rust (I used MoYou London Geek plates 05 and 06 for these tests):

MoYou London Ginger Rust over white
MoYou London Ginger Rust over white

MoYou London Ginger Rust over white

MoYou London Ginger Rust over black
MoYou London Ginger Rust over black

MoYou London Ginger Rust over black

Ginger Rust had no problem whatsoever showing its shift over white; from gold to copper to green, the full range is there, in full stamping glory. Absolutely gorgeous. I also love that the polish gives two slightly different looks over the two colors, more like rich molten metal over the black, and more like cool delicate chains over white.

Does Purple Haze live up to this standard?

MoYou London Purple Haze over white
MoYou London Purple Haze over white

MoYou London Purple Haze over white

MoYou London Purple Haze over black
MoYou London Purple Haze over black

MoYou London Purple Haze over black

Purple Haze also stamps beautifully over both white and black. And there's a more noticeable difference in how it shows up over the two--over white, the shift goes more directly from purple to copper, while over black, the shift is more purple-to-pink. I love the fun possibilities here for exploring how this plays with different base polishes...

...In fact, I was so intrigued that I decided to use this in my sample mani, over a medium-ish color. I chose Zoya Leslie (I'll be reviewing this for you shortly), a lovely lavender shimmer, and I stamped with MoYou London Kitty 14:

MoYou London Purple Haze duochrome stamping polish

MoYou London Purple Haze duochrome stamping polish

Yep, you just can't argue with that--strong shift from purple to copper even when the nails are on the same plane. Of course, I do have fairly curvy nails, and this is one time when that turns out to be a great thing, the duochrome shows off so well!

I highly recommend these polishes. A little goes a long way, and the effect is stunning. If you love duochromes and you love to stamp, these polishes are a must for you. You can find them on MoYou London's site, along with their dazzling array of stamping plates.

Happy stamping!!


  1. Wow they look to stamp beautifully!

  2. these look amazing and stamp so well!

  3. hi ... loved your blog ... many successes ... can you follow me on my blogger
    already . now can you make a video showing its collection of nail polish ... thanks

    1. Thanks for the follow! I have my polishes in so many places, I couldn't really do that...but I appreciate the request!

  4. OOOOO THESE ARE SO PRETTY! I was put off by the price tag but they do look gorgeous and so good over black and white!

    1. I do wish they were cheaper, but they are worth the price!

  5. I love the butterfly in the last few pictures. The purple stamping polish goes so well with that base color. Beautiful!

    1. Thank you so much! I really loved that combo too. :)

  6. Beautiful! I didn't even know myl made stamping polish let alone duos! Awesome.

    1. I didn't either! I stumbled on them while stalking their site, lol. :)

  7. I have been eyeing these since they came out! Now I really want them! Really great post!

    1. They're awesome. I predict you'll love them...:)

  8. Purple Haze is really pretty! I was about to order them when they first launched but ouch that price, especially since I go through stamping polish so fast. Thanks for such a thorough review :)

    1. Yeah, this is definitely not polish you want to use for procedures that waste a lot of polish! It's the kind you love and hug and treasure, lol. :)

  9. Oh how pretty! And nice video. I think it's interesting to hear peoples voices. I always have this idea in my head of how people sound and yea..idk I'm weird.

    1. Not at all, I know what you mean! I hate hearing my own voice, though...still kills me when I edit!

  10. I'm really curious now what they look like over other colors! Lovely!

    1. I can guarantee you'll be seeing them again...:)

  11. Nice detailed review. These duochromes have done so well on both white and black bases

  12. Absolutely stunning! Great review!

  13. I had no idea MoYou was making polishes. Ginger Rust is stunning and I love love love it stamped!!

    1. I didn't realize it either, but I'm glad I found them!

  14. That is seriously impressive opacity for a multichrome! I'm tempted to give them a try.

  15. These are beautiful stamped! I'm with Polished Hipppy; I'm tempted!

  16. I love these stamping polishes, I need them!

    1. If you love stamping and you love duochrome, these are the polishes for you. :)

  17. I was tempted to pick these stamping polishes up because I'm a huge fan of MoYou, but thought they were a little pricey. Maybe I'm thinking of others one. But I'm glad to know these stamp so well.

    1. These are pricey. But they are definitely worth it. And from what I've seen with duochrome/multichrome pigments, they aren't cheap!

  18. Well I know what stamping polishes I'll be getting next!

  19. I love the video. Overall, I'm not impressed by Purple Haze but Ginger Rust is gorgeous!

    1. Thank you! They have other great colors, too. :)

  20. These stamping polishes definitely caught my eye a few months ago, and I'm thrilled that you were able to show them to us! Thank you! That Ginger Rust though, wow!

  21. Gorgeous nails. So pretty butterfly

  22. Love the look of these. I tried 'Jungle Gold' and I absolutely love it! so I am interested in getting more colours in my next Moyou order. I am not so sure about 'Ginger Rust' though as it looks a lot like 'Jungle Gold' to me...

    1. Thanks for letting me know, that's good to know. I'll skip Jungle Gold in favor of another one...:)

  23. LOL, I love it that polish on your nails changes between different takes in the video! :D

    But seriously...oh m GOSH, these look amazing over a lighter base!! I had no idea, lol.

    And that sample..just wow.

    1. Hee hee caught me! I do several initial videos and then do my stamping tests and things, and then record the stamping tests. Sometimes that has to happen on different! Isn't that incredible how they stamp over light colors??


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