
Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Dupe or No Dupe: Zoya Aggie vs. China Glaze Rare And Radiant (a Chanel Peridot dupe)

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It's been forever since I've done a Dupe-Or-No-Dupe post! When I first saw Zoya Aggie from the new 2015 fall Flair collection, it pulled my mind back to the Chanel Peridot dupes that were popular a while back--it looked similar but not completely the same, so I thought I'd put it to the test.

I don't own Chanel Peridot, but I do own one of the dupes: China Glaze Rare And Radient. So I pulled it out and had a look:

Zoya Aggie vs. China Glaze Rare And Radiant
Zoya Aggie vs. China Glaze Rare And Radiant

In the bottle, you can see that the duochrome around the edges has similar colors to it, although there seems to be more brown in the Zoya--but is that just due to the bottle shape? Let's see:

Zoya Aggie vs. China Glaze Rare And Radiant

Zoya Aggie vs. China Glaze Rare And Radiant

Zoya Aggie vs. China Glaze Rare And Radiant

 As you can see, while these two are similar polishes, they are definitely NOT dupes. Aggie has more, deeper brown, while Rare And Radient is more of a gold; they both show a similar flash around the edges, but it takes over more with Rare And Radient, while it creates more of a contrast with Aggie.

So do you need both? In my opinion, these are different enough that I'm glad to have both. I'm not a huge fan of wearing gold as my base polish, and while I love RAR, I'll be very happy to have a more brown-based duochrome with the green flash.

What do you think? Different enough to own both, or not?

Happy polishing,


  1. Cool post. Been ages since you did one of these.

  2. Thank you for the comparison! I was wondering how similar these were :)

  3. Awesome! I'm continually amazed when polishes like duochromes or neons, when there seem to be a million dupes, are actually different.

  4. Different enough IMO, but not shades I would personally wear

  5. I love comparison post. Not close enough for me to be dupes ;)

  6. Awesome post! I think they are very similar!

  7. Very close, but a noticeable enough difference to justify having both :D

  8. It's always great to know if polishes are dupes. thanks for the post!

  9. I completely agree that they are different enough to justify owning both!

  10. Great post!
    I have both of them and Peridot. Aggie is more golden and less duochrome, it seems to have a foil termination . Rare & Radiant is more green, even greener than Peridot. I agree with you, they are not dupes, they only share the same style.


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