
Monday, July 4, 2016

Review: Winstonia Beach, Please plate (plus sample manis!)

(Press samples and affiliate links** ahead!)


Today is the first of a four-post series I'm going to do about several new Winstonia plates. I have a video showing and testing all four plates here:

Today we're going to take a look at the new Beach, Please plate (and yes, the name does crack me up every single time I see it). As the name suggest, the plate has a beach/pool theme:

Winstonia Beach, Please!
Winstonia Beach, Please!

This plate has plenty of flexibility: several areas big enough for full nail images, and lots of little elements to mix and match. You can build your own scene, make a collage, stick with one image, or just pull out some texture. It has everything you need for beach, pool, or tropical manis: tons of possibilities here for one small plate. :)

Let's talk size. The plates themselves are just under 3 inches wide and 3 1/4 inches long:

Since the elements are all different sizes, I took these shots to help you see how big they are:

Winstonia Beach, Please!
Winstonia Beach, Please!

So how do they stamp? Well, here's my test swatch:

But, I think what you really want to see are some manis with the plate, am I right?! I'm completely obsessed with this pineapple on this plate with his rockin' sunglasses, mostly because he reminds me of a character in a show from my childhood ("Mais, les ananas ne parlent pas!"), so I had to do something with him:

Les ananas: Winstonia Beach, Please! + Zoya Cam + Messy Mansion stamping polishes
Les ananas: Winstonia Beach, Please! + Zoya Cam + Messy Mansion stamping polishes

For this mani, I started with a base of Zoya Cam, then stamped with Messy Mansion Petal. For my decal, I used Messy Mansion Forest for the fronds on the pineapple, Soft Gold for the rest of the outline, Banana Bender to fill in the pineapple, and Petal to fill in the sunglasses. I'm pretty sure he wears them at night.

For the second mani, I had to do something with the hibiscus flowers, because you know me and tropical flowers:

Tropical flowers: Winstonia Beach, Please! + Zoya Ness, Brynn, and Live
Tropical flowers: Winstonia Beach, Please! + Zoya Ness, Brynn, and Live

For this mani, I started with a base of Zoya Ness, and stamped with Barry M Almond. Then I used my clear stamper to overlap slightly a couple of the flowers with Zoya Brynn and Zoya Liv. This is what I love about the clear stamper--a manicure like this that would have been a huge pain in the tushie before is a breeze now. :)

You can find this and many other adorable plates in the Winstonia shop; use my code MICH10 for 10% off of your order. You can also find them on Amazon if that's more convenient for you.

And make sure to follow Winstonia on Facebook and Instagram to keep up on news, updates, and sales!

Happy stamping!


  1. Super fun beach themed stamping plate that is. You got two fun looks with it too.

    1. Thank you! Fun is a great word for this plate. :)

  2. What is the deal with pineapples?
    How I Met Your Mother, Big Bang Theory and now Winstonia...

    1. Love the finished look though.

    2. LOLOL! Google 'Telefrancais' and watch for the pineapple...

  3. I love the bit of added double stamping on that second mani.

    1. Thank you! I was pretty proud of that! :) Thank heavens for clear stampers...

  4. I want you do come do my nails pls.

  5. I like that you can use the plate for both patterns and individual details like the pineapple. Amazing manis!

    1. Yes, this is the most versatile of the four I reviewed I think--so many options and so much summer fun. And thanks! :)

  6. This is so cool! Diggin' the pineapple!

  7. you should make your own plates.

    1. LMAO--the world isn't ready for the plates I'd make...

  8. Heh, I remember your pineapple love (
    (though you went full Minion here, bananas! LOL)

    Of course that Beach plate is full of awesome. And your mani with hibiscus flowers is just soo pretty; yay double stamping!

    1. 'Tis true, my relationship with pineapples is deep and complex, lol!! And thank you. :)

  9. Ohhh wow this plate looks so awesome! I have several Winstonia plates, and I love them.


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