
Friday, September 9, 2016

Before & After: Galactic Crysanthemums (featuring Zoya Finley + UberChic Beauty 11-03)

(Press samples and affiliate links ahead!)


I love me some negative space images--they're so awesome for showing off gorgeous glitters and holos, and one of the most gorgeous I've seen recently is Zoya Finley from the Urban Grunge collection:

Zoya Finley
Zoya Finley

 I stamped over this beauty with UberChic Beauty 11-03, using Messy Mansion Soft Gold.


UberChic Beauty 11-03

Here's how it came out:

Zoya Finley + UberChic Beauty 11-03 and Messy Mansion Soft Gold
Zoya Finley + UberChic Beauty 11-03 and Messy Mansion Soft Gold

Zoya Finley + UberChic Beauty 11-03 and Messy Mansion Soft Gold
Zoya Finley UberChic Beauty 11-03 and Messy Mansion Soft Gold

Zoya Finley + UberChic Beauty 11-03 and Messy Mansion Soft Gold
Zoya Finley UberChic Beauty 11-03 and Messy Mansion Soft Gold

Zoya Finley + UberChic Beauty 11-03 and Messy Mansion Soft Gold
Zoya Finley UberChic Beauty 11-03 and Messy Mansion Soft Gold

What do you think? So much sparkly goodness, it's like a bouquet of galactic crysanthemums burst forth onto my nails! Such a pretty effect.

Happy stamping,


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