
Thursday, February 2, 2017

Review: Messy Mansion MM85XL (Or, my knitted valentine)

(Press samples ahead!)


Can you smell it?? Can you smell it?? Love is in the air!!

Okay, yeah, that was a little cheesy. But, whether you like it or not, Valentine's Day is on the way! And ever since I saw Messy Mansion's MM85XL plate, I've been waiting to do a Valentine's mani with it, because several of the knit patterns look to me like hearts. Here's the video review I did of the plate:

And let's take a direct look at it:

Sure, there's plenty on here if you sew or knit or crochet. But don't forget all that texture! The burlap-y one on the bottom right. The loopy one and the basket weave in the top middle. And as far as my eyes can see, lots of little hearts. :)

Messy Mansion MM85XL
Messy Mansion MM85XL

The full-nail images on the plate are 3/4 of an inch wide and about an inch tall (approx 1.9 x 2.5 cm), and the shot by the ruler will help you get a feel for how big the other images are.

But does it stamp well?

I'd call this pretty darn good image pick-up and tranfer. :)

For my manicure, I started with a base of Girly Bits Danger Zone, and then stamped two of the 'heart' images with Messy Mansion Dogwood Pink. Then I free-handed on several hearts with Messy Mansion Petal: 

Messy Mansion MM85XL over Girly Bits Danger Zone
Messy Mansion MM85XL over Girly Bits Danger Zone

Messy Mansion MM85XL over Girly Bits Danger Zone
Messy Mansion MM85XL over Girly Bits Danger Zone

What do you think, isn't this a great mani for Valentine's Day? I think it's fun, bright, and girly. You know I'm not a pink girl or a hearts girl, but I didn't want to take this mani off, that's how in love with it I was. :)

You can find this plate on sale now in Messy Mansion's store, and here's their social media information:

Happy stamping!


  1. Some cute designs on this stamping plate. Really like it.

  2. I adore this stamping. I'll have to see if I can recreate it!

    1. Thank you! Between you and me, it's super easy. The hardest part was drawing on the pink hearts with my wrong hand, lol!

  3. I love your end result. The mix of the base colors makes it so interesting.

  4. What a nice plate and I love your Valentine's Day twist!

    1. Thank you!! I don't get a chance to be in as many challenges as I used to, so I enjoy trying to find twists on a plate's theme. :)

  5. That plate looks wonderful! I love your Mani, such a cozy valentine!

  6. These images are so adorable! As always your nail art is amazing!

  7. (so I'm only 2 months late (am sadly only now catching up with my Saved for later pile))

    To keep it simple: I adore your mani. Sweet, but not sickly so.


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