
Saturday, September 1, 2012

Halloween Superstore Nail Finds

Hello everyone!

While I was out today buying a wedding present, I noticed my local Halloween Superstore was open, and had to go check it out--I love love LOVE Halloween. As I was wandering through, I was excited to find some cool nail products, and couldn't wait to share them with you:

Some of these have the Fantasy Makers name, which is made by Wet n Wild and so conceivably may be carried other places, too. The others have the 'Spirit' name, which is Halloween Superstore's brand, so my guess is these are only available at this store. Prices were not yet marked (they just opened today), but my guess is that these will range between around $4.99-$9.99 (but this is a guess, don't hold me to it!).

I love the skulls best...I may have to get some of those! :)

Thanks for looking,


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