
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Indie-licious Review: A'dor Beauty Supplies Polish


On Sunday I posted a review of loose gold foil sheets, and in that post, I showed two polishes that I didn't identify. I promised you that I'd bring you a review of those polishes later in the week, and today is the day! I have three polishes to show you from A'dor Beauty Supplies, two that you've seen in those sneak-peeks before, and a third you haven't seen.

This is the first time I've purchased polishes from a shop that made other cosmetics, and I wasn't sure if that would mean there was less of a dedication to the polishes...Turns out, that was a silly, silly worry on my part, because these polished turned out to be beyond gorgeous.

First up is Griffin:

A'dor Beauty Supplies Griffin in the shade

Angled view to show layered glitter

Griffin in the sun

Griffin is an orange-bronze shimmer jelly with small square and medium gold hex glitters in it. This is a gorgeous fall color that reminds me of pumpkins and sweet potatoes...Stunning.

Next up is Queen--I was so excited to do my foil tips I forgot to take a picture of the swatches before. However, you can see the beauty in these:

A'dor Beauty Supplies Queen in the shade

Queen in the sun

Look at those layers of glitter...

Queen is a purple shimmery jelly with small circle and square gold glitters, alone with medium hex glitters (these are sparse). This is a beautiful royal-grape sort of shade, and it has a bit more glitter than Griffin. This looks like a beautiful crystal to me. :)

Finally, Starry Night:

A'dor Beauty Supplies Starry Night in the shade

Angled view to show glitter layers
Starry Night is a medium-dark ocean blue jelly with silver micro-glitter, and gold glitters in small square and medium hexes. This polish is packed with glitter, and these pictures do not do it justice! It's just beautiful.

The formula on all three of these was a bit thick and wasn't the easiest to work with, but don't let that deter you! With the first coat it seems like it's going on goopy and is going to look uneven, but after the second coat and a topcoat, it looks smooth as glass. I don't think you want to mess with the thickness, because the layers of glitter in all three cases are stunning--visible enough that you can see both layers, but opaque enough that it changes the colors of the glitter and gives depth. The texture here is so deep and rich, I could stare at it for hours. These are the sort of polishes where you keep catching yourself moving your fingers around to different angles while you stare at your hand.

I don't know why I haven't heard of this Etsy store before--maybe everyone but me knows about it and I'm late to the party! In this case, better late than never. I've already placed a second order for another glitter polish and for one of her gorgeous solid polishes. You can find these beauties On her Etsy shop by clicking here, along with other beauty products (I also broke down and bought a lip tint). Her products are vegan, 3-free and cruelty free.

Hope you like these polishes...I'll be showing some nail art on Starry Night before the month is out, so keep an eye open if you want to see how it works for nail art!


(The polishes in this review were purchased with my own money.)


  1. Griffin is lovely, but Queen and Starry Night make my heart beat faster and are totally on my wish list now.

    1. It's hard to pick one, but if I had to pick a favorite it would be Queen...:)

  2. Funny, A'dor polishes were the first indie polishes I came across on Etsy and I've been wondering why no one reviews or posts about them on blogs. Great review and beautiful polishes!

    1. I know right?! So weird because they are so stunning imo. And thank you! :)

  3. I went back and looked at her Etsy shop. Her swatches seem to be without topcoat, so they look more gritty and uneven than your swatches. Perhaps that is why her line has not received as much attention. A good topcoat changed my entire perspective on chunky glitters; I didn't bother with them before Seche Vite, Poshe, Gelous, etc.. Her prices seem to be better than most. I certainly 'favorited' some of the polishes on Etsy.

    1. That's a very good point. A good topcoat can make all the difference in how a glitter looks...Maybe I'll write her suggesting she show swatches both ways...


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