
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Before & After: L is for Lalique


Are you ready for this week's installment of Llama Nails' alphabet challenge? This week we're on 'L', and I decided to use 'Lalique' as my 'L'.

To recreate the look of some of the beautiful pieces by Lalique, I chose retro colors and a swirly lacy design. :)

I started with Maya Hex (Indie Alert!!) for my base; this is a simple, understated polish that can be easily overlooked. It's an olive 'drab' with a gold undertone and gold flakies in it that give it just a little bit of flash:

Maya Hex

Maya Hex

Next, I stamped over it using China Glaze Passion, and Anna's  W217 plate. Then I put dots of Color Club Alter Ego on the swirls to give it an inlaid look, and on the accent nail put microbeads that I got from Born Pretty Store on the design (I told you I'm addicted to those mirco-beads!):

L is for Lalique...Art Nouveau goodness :)

Or, at least, my attempt at Art Nouveau goodness...:)

I can't say I'm completely in love with it--I do like it, but it's not quite what I was going for. Regardless, it does call up the sort of design that I think a woman would wear if nail art had been around at that time, to complement a beautiful Lalique necklace or pin!

If you want to pick up the micro-beads, I reviewed them yesterday, and you can get them at Born Pretty Store by clicking here; here is my 10% off code for your entire order:

Born Pretty Store

Thanks for taking a look, and please check out the other 'L' manicures, linked below. :)



  1. I love the stamp pattern - very pretty :)

  2. Wow! They are absolutely stunning!

    Kim x

  3. I am drooling....Gorgeous Olive green and the stamping looks fab on top!

    1. Thank you! It really is a special polish with the little flakies. :)

  4. I love these...the green, the gold, the microbeads...and you are right, very Lalique!

    1. Thank you! I love the look of Lalique so much. If I were a wealthy woman I'd have to own some...:)

  5. It is really unique the base and the final mani..I like it :)

    1. Thanks. :) I got two other Maya polishes too, but I haven't tried them yet--they look gorgeous though. I really like the line. :)


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