
Sunday, January 27, 2013

NOTD: Disco Superfly


Today's prompt for the 31 Day Challenge is 'Inspired by me'. Hmm...I'm not quite sure what that means, so I've decided that it means 'go with something cool that you love'. So that's what I'm gonna do!

I started with a base of La Femme Unica, because I love me some holos and I needed an excuse to play with this one. It's a dark olive green holo, and it reminds me a bit of Chiralty Kale, so I'm going to have to do a comparison post on it asap. But in the meantime, we'll just move forward...I don't have a picture of it on its own, because the sun did not want to cooperate and show my holo, but I should have taken one anyway...I'm a very bad blogger and need to be sent to bed without my supper.

(not going to happen, btw. supper is one of my 4 favorite meals of the day.)

Then I played around with some glequins, and decided to do a sort of progressive effect with them:

And of course, I have one of the elusive white fibers hanging from my ring finger, just to prove the authenticity of the photo. Seriously, how is there always one I miss, no matter how hard I try? I am going to have to write a poem dedicated to the mystery and tenacity that is the ever-present random white fiber. Sigh...

Anyway, I hope you like it, cause I really love it. It was simple to do but I love the way the light hits the glequin, and I'm sure it would have been even cooler if the sun had been out to light up the holo. Ah, the fun we'll have with it when the sun comes back to play...:)

Thanks for taking a look, and please check out the other manicures inspired by the awesome tartlettes below. :)



  1. These are so fun! I have been out of the loop for whole so had to go look up "gelquins"...greaaaaaaat. Now I need to order some. :P Following!

    1. ROFL!! This is how I am with internet ackronyms, there's always a knew one I don't know, lol. Anyway, I got mine all at Born Pretty Store (surprise), they have an excellent price, and you can get 10% off with the code MCL91. :)

    2. And thanks for following! So glad to have you here. :)


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