
Friday, March 15, 2013

Before & After: Y is for Yellow-Green and Cheeky 44!


Today's post, as promised, does double-duty--it's both my 'Y', as in 'Y is for Yellow-Green', and my Cheeky Challenge twin post with Dina of Secretary's Nail Art.

When I got this polish in the mail, I thought 'what an awesome ugly-pretty yellow-green!' It's the sort of color many people love and many people hate, so I thought it would be a fun one to do for my 'Y'. The polish that inspired this decision is Color Club Sunrise Canyon, from the Fiesta collection (which I will be reviewing for you shortly); it's a creme that rocks the baby-poo yellow-green look:

Color Club Sunrise Canyon in the shade

Color Club Sunrise Canyon in direct light--apologies for the cut on my cuticle; I didn't realize it had opened up until afterwards.

I had this on when I was thinking about what to do for the Cheeky challenge; this week we're on plate CH44, and we'd chosen a pretty flowery image from this plate. When I looked down at my fingers I couldn't think of a brighter summery color to use than this one, so I decided to use it as my base.

Next I chose Sally Hansen Lively Lilac for my stamping polish, and I used Lickety-Split Lime to make the center dots. But something strange happened...

...I've worn Lively Lilac 100 times, and it has never looked like the same color as my skin. But for some reason, with this combination of colors, it looks like it matches my skin and it fades the manicure out! Weird! If any of you out there who understand why these things happen can explain it to me, I'll be very grateful, lol. :)

Thanks for taking a look! I'll have a St. Patrick's day look for you later today, since we're getting close to that big event. :)



  1. Odd thing is... I used a yellow for this one as well. Post on the other hand, seem to have been lost, and never got live. Then 'Life' happen, but will put it up tomorrow. So sorry for being late with this.


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