
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Contest honorable mentions: Empowering Women contest!


I'm a little behind in presenting you the two honorable mention picks from the Empowering Women contest; I get the feeling it was harder to pick the two honorable mentions than the winners! I know it was a difficult choice for Jenny to make all-around because the entries we got were very cool. :)

Here are the two honorable mentions:

One is the entry we received from Norma Maria: 

Here is what Norma Maria wrote about her submission: Hello, here is my entry to the nail art contest. My main idea was to demonstrate how women can support and empower each other and how some women might feel isolated (looking at one nail) but looking at the bigger picture (all the nails) there are other women around them, with open arms, ready to go together and support each other. I am aware that my design looks rather simplistic but I wanted to take part of the contest to raise awareness of empowering women and people overall, being a mentor for a teenager myself (unfortunately for another charity), I know how rewarding the job is and how much it helps people in need. Mentoring online sounds very interesting and definitely has big future because of the accessibility. I hope more people will join IM2A mentoring in the future.

I love this manicure. I love the representations of women reaching out to help one another, and the pretty blending colors behind them just make them all the more beautiful. Norma Maria calls them 'simplistic', but I don't think that's right at all--there is a difference between 'simplistic' and 'simple' in my mind, and sometimes a simple symbol is the one that drives home your point most effectively. :)

The other is the entry from Gin Shivers: 

This is what she wrote about it:
This is my Empowering women nail look. It has a simple base and over it OPI Spotted black that represents that a strong women can always get what she wants no matter how hard is it to attain. Over it I added some Essence flakies that give the impression of fire wich represents the passion that makes this woman an inspiration to others. And on top there are some studs becouse a strong modern woman must be though.

I love this look because of the way she represented passion and strength; these certainly are the nails of a modern woman who can accomplish anything she wants in this world! I love the strong colors she chose and I agree with her that the studs really bring that edge of strengh to the design. :)

Thanks to everyone for being patient during the wait for these! And thanks again to all of the lovely ladies that participated in the contest. You all ROCK!!!



  1. This one with women holding hands is my very fave so far. I also love your profile and your avatar. I hope to welcome you in my blog too.

    1. I'll definitely come and take a look. :)

    2. Thank you so much for joining in! :) Welcome! I can't wait to share with you and for u to become part of my friends in lacquer cute group, find me on twitter so we can talk! :) p.s. Never tried stamping, an opinion?

    3. Stamping if my favorite form of nail art. It's easy too--play around with it a bit for a couple of hours and you'll have a blast and have no trouble getting used to it. I love love love it--so versatile, and since I'm horrible at freehand, it saves my life. :)


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