
Monday, March 18, 2013

Kinda Before & After: Jurassic Bubble Wrap Mani


And so begins my new challenge with Llama Nails--Periods of History! We're starting with the Jurassic period and each week will be moving up through time to the future. :)

I started with a base of Kleancolor Metallic Green, and then put some Spoiled Call You Later over it. Then I decided to try a new technique over it--bubble-wrapping. I figured, if saran wrap works to create cool texture, bubble wrap should be even better! It does create round areas, with an overall texture similar to what you can do with saran wrap, but a little more dense, which is kind of cool. :)  Anyway, I did this with a muddy beige polish which promptly got lost among my other polishes and I can't remember what it was...>.<

Bubble Wrap effect

Cool circular textures

Next I stamped over it, first with China Glaze Joy and China Glaze Glittering Garland; I used Bundle Monster BM10 and BM207:

What do you think? I think it looks like a cool Jurassic jungle with T-Rex slash marks going across the foliage. :)

Thanks for looking,



  1. This turned out so great! I have never heard of the bubble wrap. You are so creative!!

    1. Thank you! I had just unwrapped a bottle of polish earlier and the bubble wrap was sitting there, and I thought, why not? :)

  2. very unique. u have great nails! love the green color.

  3. this is so awesome! :) i thought you'd add the inlinkz too?

  4. Wow this looks so cool!
    Almost looks like you used a foil. So cool!


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