
Saturday, April 6, 2013

Review: Assorted Studs from Born Pretty Store


I'm very excited about today's post, because it features a gorgeous polish that I adore (another one I rushed to buy from Orly's new collection) and a very cool stud assortment that I was sent for review from Born Pretty Store.

So I started off with a base of the polish, which is Orly's High On Hope, a deep blue with beautiful purple's like the prettiest night sky you've ever seen:

Orly High On Hope

I wanted to do something that would complement that beauty but not detract from it, and my mind instantly went to the cool stud assortment that I got from Born Pretty Store. Of course I've used studs before, and I have some small circular ones, and some round ones. What I love about this set is that there are a ton of different sizes and shapes to choose from, including stars, ovals, hearts, and my favorite--grommet-type ones with holes in the middle:

For this manicure I decided to go with hearts, and I thought it would be very cute to do a half-moon mani with the hearts as the half moon:

This took literally seconds to do, and with a coat of topcoat over them to secure them, they stayed put for the whole day that I wore them. Best of all, when I took them off? They were big enough that they popped off and I put them right back into the wheel to be used again.

If you're wondering how to apply these, there are several ways; most of the time I put a dot of topcoat on my nail, then with my dotting tool (which still has a bit of topcoat on it), I pick up the stud (or rhinestone, or whatever) and place it onto the dot of topcoat on my nail. I cover with topcoat, and then I'm finished.

But sometimes I don't want to cover the design with topcoat (for example, when working with matte polishes, or with embellishments that lose their shine under topcoat)...and later this week I'll show you how I attach items in those cases with a new tool I found, also from Born Pretty Store.

If you're interested in buying this set, you can find them by clicking here. And don't forget that if you use my discount code, you can get 10% off of this, and/or all the other pretty things your heart desires:

As always, I'm not an affiliate, and I don't make money in any way if you use this code or any of the links. :)

Thanks for taking a look! I hope you have a wonderful weekend. :)


(The studs in this post were provided for a 100% honest review.)


  1. Ooh I like what you've done with the hearts there. It's so simple, but it looks really nice.

    1. Thank you so much! I wanted something simple but pretty, so it sounds like I managed it! :)

  2. High on Hope is gorgeous. I really ike what you did the hearts. Very pretty!


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