
Monday, June 10, 2013

Polish Days Before & After: Don't Panic!


Today is the next Polish Days group event, where we all post together on the same day once a month...and this month's theme is:

To Boldly Go! Yep, that's right, we're going where no man(i) has gone before (oh hush, the pun wasn't that bad), and doing Sci-Fi themed manicures. :)

One of the first Sci-Fi books I fell in love with when I was a young girl was Douglas Adam's increasingly misnamed Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy Trilogy (increasingly misnamed because it ended up having 5 books in it). It's funny, it's thought-provoking, it's zany, it's amazing. It will ruin your head for normal thinking. You should read it, you won't be sorry. Notice I did NOT say you should see the movie. The movie is crap. Read the books.

In fact, remember that polish that InDecisive Nail Lacquers collaborated with me to make, the one where my contribution was pretty much just to make ooh-ahh noises and name the polish when it was done? I named it 'End Of The Universe', after one of the books in this series, 'Restaurant at the End of the Universe'. Yep, that's just how much I love it. (Wait, you didn't know about this polish and my giveaway? Well, click here to check it out because the giveaway ends tonight at midnight.)

Of course I had to do a Hitchhiker's Guide manicure, and it had to involve that special namesake polish.

This is the logo from the original books, a crazy little green dude who reminds us that no matter what goes wrong, no matter if we're about to be thrown out of an airlock to die in space or turn into a whale and a pot of petunias, no matter what--we must NOT panic:

Now that there is advice I can stand to be reminded of every day of the week, so I decided to make that little guy the content of my Sci-Fi mani. :)

I started out with InDecisive Nail Lacquer's End Of The Universe on three fingers, and China Glaze Starboard on my middle finger, to serve as my little guy's body:

InDecisive Nail Lacquer End Of The Universe, and China Glaze Starboard

Then I got to decorating. I used a combination of freehand art with polish, freehand art with my new acrylics, and stamping--I stamped a little alien eyeball tentacle on my pinkie, to stare at him in a bewildered fashion (using Cheeky Jumbo plate 4, and Barry M Silver Foil, with the eyeball added via acrylic paints):

All kindsa nail art up in dere!

You can really tell how much the acrylic paints help my nail art by comparing the face with the hands--in order to get the hands to match the body, I drew them with white nail polish, and then painted Starboard over them. The face I did with acrylics. The face is so much more precise, controlled and so much less messy!

I really love it...But wait...something's not quite right. Something's missing...What is it, what is it...

OH! I know!!

That's right, those sage words of wisdom!

Thanks so much for taking a look at my mani, and please don't forget to check out the other contribution to Polish Days. :)

Wishing you peace, love, and a constant awareness of where your towel is,


  1. I love your interpretation of the theme!

  2. OMG LOVE IT :) also love the books :)

  3. This is one of my absolute favorite books. I love what you did with it! :D

    1. Thank you so much! And the books are awesome, aren't they? <3

  4. This is so incredibly cool. Amazing job!! This makes me smile =D

  5. Super cute!! I so hope I win your giveaway!! If you know of any polish groups that do not involve Facebook please let me know because I would love to join one!

    1. Thank you so much! Hmmm...I do know of one Instagram group, if you have that? I'm not in it cause I'm still figuring out Instagram, but I can get the info for you...:)

    2. That would be so great!! Thank you in advance! I struggle a bit with instagram. I do not for the life of me know how to repost someone's picture!!

    3. Okay, let me take a look for you. It might simply be 'Instagram Posse', but I'll find out. And, don't feel're not alone on the Instagram!

    4. Okay, I found out. It's 'Instagram Polish Posse', and here's one of the people that's in it, so you can contact her. :)

  6. Haha! This is absolutely fantastic! LOOOOOOVE your idea! :D

    Aysh xox

  7. Brilliant! So long & thanks for all the fish. <3

    1. Take me with yoouuuuuu....Don't leave me stranded with the other humans...<3

  8. I love the books and initially planned to recreate images from the book cover, but failed horribly. Love how yours came out! And don't forget your towel :)

    1. I don't believe it! I wanna seeee!!! :) (and thank you...:) )

  9. You just got yourself a new follower thanks to this awesomest mani ever (and the coffee in the background:)), you hoopy frood...-ette(?) :))
    (hi :) I found you through one of the bloggers also participating in Polish Days)

    1. Yay!! I love new followers!! And today is a happy day--the first time I've been judged to be a hoopy froodette! Very glad you found me. <3

  10. I love it!!!
    I love you for doing it! Girl-crush!

  11. OMG! I'm loving this so much! It's whimsical and fun and so much thought put into it. Great job!

    1. Thank you so much. It was torture taking this off...I was really proud of having done something halfway decent with freehand, and of course it's special to me because of my love for the books! Thanks soooo much. :)

  12. This looks so funny! I really like it, every time I see it in the list, I smile :D

    1. Thank you so much! That's just the best compliment. :) :) :)

  13. You're a genius!! And also an artist, cause it's amazing ^____^


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