
Sunday, August 11, 2013

Before & After: Inspired By Picasso


This week in my Llama Nails 'Inspired By Artists' challenge, we are all being inspired by Picasso. :)

For my inspiration, I chose this Cubist painting, which is very similar to one we have at our Moma in SF; the one we have is a bit more brown, so I changed the color scheme a bit:

I started with a base of Finger Paints Warm He-Art-Ed, which is a fairly sheer neutral caramel color with a pretty shimmer to it; this is two coats and it would be a bit too sheer to wear like this if I didn't know I was doing nail art over it:

Finger Paints Warm He-Art-Ed in artificial light

Next. to get a background that looked a bit like brushstrokes, I used the saran-wrap method with three colors: China Glaze Mahogany Magic, Konad White, and Konad Black. Instead of just dabbing with the saran wrap, I did a swiping motion with the brown, and then dabbed on some white and black. Finally, I stamped over all of the ring and middle nails, and part of the other two nails with Konad black and Cheeky Jumbo plate N; I wanted bare edges on the outside of the index and pinky finger to mimic the part of the painting that has only muted background:

Ode To Picasso

I love your crazy sectioned reality

So what do you think? Would Picasso be proud? I'm pretty happy with how it came out, and will be recreating it for my next visit to the museum!

Hope you're having an awesome weekend,


  1. Wow that is beautiful, what a great idea!

  2. I love this!! The color combo is beautiful!!

    1. Thank you so much! I was pretty pleased with how the colors came out too. :)

  3. Awesome inspiration to draw from! Looks beautiful Michelle! :)

  4. Very nice. You definitely do the inspiration piece justice!

  5. This looks great! Awesome job :)

  6. Wow! I really like that you kept those "bare edges", with only the background colours..amazing!

    1. Thank you! I was trying to make it have a similar feel to the canvas, and I like it so much better than I think I would have if I had completely covered all of the nails. :)

  7. Great job! Our recreations are similar, but I think you did much better!

    1. Nah, I like your use of the gray-black color scheme. :)


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