
Saturday, April 5, 2014

Having videos stolen: Yes, it sucks just as much as you'd think


I'm sorry not to have any nail art or swatches for you in this post; I'll be back tomorrow with that.

My post today is to let you all know that my nail videos have been stolen on YouTube; someone has posted them on a different channel as their own. They took all of the videos I'd posted as of a month ago, even one that was a building demolition, with nothing to do with nails or beauty! I have reported the user and filed the copyright infringement claims, all of that, with the help of my blogging friends. I'm not sure how long it will take for YouTube to take action, hopefully very soon.

If you are a beauty blogger who makes videos, plug in a few of your video titles into the search engine on YouTube. The person who stole my videos has a ton of other videos on his/her channel, too, and something makes me doubt they are legitimate... Either way, as I learned the hard way tonight, it's not a bad idea to do a spot-check like that now and then, regardless.

My videos will only ever be posted on the Lacquer Or Leave Her! YouTube channel, and the only other identifier you will see on them is 'Mishka824m'; that was my channel name before I changed it to Lacquer Or Leave Her!, and some of my earliest videos have that on the introduction. If you ever see one of my videos on somebody else's channel, please let me know as soon as possible.

I want to send a HUGE THANK YOU to the viewer who noticed this and alerted me to what was happening. Not only did your help allow me to deal with the situation, but it also keeps up my faith that most people are good!

I have so much going through my head right now, as you can probably imagine. I've had pictures stolen before, and while that wasn't fun, there is just something about having an entire channel of videos stolen, all with my voice and my content, that has been very disturbing; I feel deeply violated by it. I could go on and on about how it's not cool to steal people's stuff, but we all know that, even the person who did it. And I could talk about how much time, energy, and money goes into those videos, but we all know that, too--especially the person who did it, otherwise they would have made their own videos rather than steal someone else's.

So what I will say instead is this. Thank you ALL for supporting my blog, and me, the way you have over these last two years. YOU are why I do this, and why I enjoy doing this. Because, yep, that's right, this month is my two-year blog-a-versary! And I refuse to let something like this detract from what a wonderful experience it has been writing this blog, making my videos, and sharing my nail art with you all. I have made so many friends, and had so much fun, and that's all because of YOU.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend! I'll be back tomorrow with some nail wraps, and I'll have my next MoYou London video for you on Sunday.

Hugs and loves,


  1. That is such a shame! Why do people do things like these? I'm sorry for you. I hope YouTube takes action soon...

    1. Thanks, I do too! I guess there will always be jerks out there who have no morals and don't care who they hurt. Ah well...

  2. Geez. I'm sorry this happened to you. I hope it gets resolved soon. The saying is NOT 'Thievery is the sincerest form of flattery'.

  3. Oh cr*p (sorry, I don't really know your policy on swear/naughty words or what constitutes as such).
    I really wanted to say "I'm so gonna flag the cr*p out of that channel!" and started doing it, but noticed I can't file it as violating *someone else's* copyrights. Weird. I know there used to be an option to flag videos [as inappropriate (and more)]. And even if [I still could], I hate it that I can't (or don't know how to yet) report it without viewing the video itself (defeats the purpose, I'd say, as I do not want to add to viewing count). I know there's a form for this somewhere on YT site, but only the owner can still report it.

    I hope YT is taking this (and, unfortunately, other such cases) seriously, as this is just so low and stupid.

    1. Honey, you can say whatever the fuck you want! (Oops, did I just say that? :P ) Thank you for that, it touches my heart that you wanted to flag them for me. :) I guess I understand the policy, I'm sure they want to make sure that people aren't just trying to make someone's life difficult for some reason, and they probably don't want to have to sort through a bunch of different claims on the same thing. Still...there's the other side of me that doesn't want to be so reasonable about it, lol!!!

    2. (:D)

      Ya, I can understand that, too, just thought this way it might work like petitions can, sort of like "putting pressure on the issue" thing.
      (yeah yeah, I know, to many it might not seem like SUCH an urgent matter, in the bigger scheme of things, but still - it just is important)

      Oh, and do keep us posted on this.

    3. Totally agreed...and I'm just touched that you wanted to do that to help me!! :)

  4. Wow. That person is a horrible, horrible person! I'm so sorry that happened to you! I hope YouTube takes care of it very quickly.

    1. Seriously, I just don't get it. How much money could someone even hope to make off of a bogus channel?? ::is mystified:: Anyway, thank you for the support!! :)

  5. I'm so very sorry this happened, hon. It makes me sad there are so many people in the world with no sense of morality or even decency - selfish people who only care about getting themselves ahead. Sometimes it works out for them. Thankfully, it doesn't always. Know that your success comes as a result of your hard work, and those of us who follow you do so because we appreciate the hard work you put into it. Keep your head up and try to remember that people only steal VALUABLE things because they themselves have no values!

    1. LOL!!! Thank you, that made me feel better. I try to remind myself to look for the silver lining in things, and I guess that's it. Sometimes I feel silly about my videos, wonder if they're any good, and I guess this shows they are at least somewhat good, lol, otherwise, who would bother to steal them! :) And thank you for the kind words, it really means a lot. :)

  6. I cannot believe that happened! Hope it gets taken care of quickly.

    1. too. People are just a never-ending source of amazement to me, lol!

  7. Hope they jump on it quick. I see who did this...they are hiding pretty well. So disgusted with lazy @$$ people who create these channels, get paid for advertising on them, and they steal other peoples' hard work for their content. Just wish there was a way to complain about it - only the direct person can. Good luck to you on getting this handled quickly.

    1. You can bet I'll be timing it, lol. Thanks so much for wanting to help, it means the world to me. It is amazing what people stoop to, isn't it?

  8. I'm so sorry this happened to you, Michelle. I hope justice is exacted on this thief, and quickly. It is unfreakingbelievable how many people just have no conscience about such things and I, too, wish I could report on your behalf. You are in good company, though, which is just... sad. BUT, GOOD ON YOU for not letting this get in the way of celebrating the awesomeness that is two years ♥♥

    1. Thank you!! It's funny you say that, lol--maybe we should make up a blogger badge that says something like 'Yep, I've been the victim of intellectual thievery!', and wear it like a badge of honor, lol. So ridiculous that it happens so often to so many of us...grrrr...And thanks for the congrats!!

  9. Wow that sucks so much! That must be really creepy to find out someone has reposted all of your videos... I regularly check my pictures on Google to see if someone reposted those, but entire videos with your voice is something completely different! I hope Youtube takes the videos off quickly!

    1. YES! Creepy is the perfect word for it, that was what it was. Like someone stealing a part of who you are, that's what it felt like. Almost like a single-white-female sort of deal...::shudders::

  10. How RUDE! Sharing other's work is all about giving credit where it is due. Stealing that work by claiming it as your own is just WRONG! I'm so sorry icky heads got to your you tube site. :(

  11. i'm so sorry this happened to you! that's terrible! :(! you're right stealing all the videos on your channel is just on a whole other level... I mean having a picture stolen is bad enough but this is just crazy! I don't understand why people do this I mean they aren't going to get very far... people are going to realize that they are stealing and they're going to get reported and taken down! I'm lucky I haven't had anything stolen yet to my knowledge but then I'm not very well known... the really nice thing about the nail art community though is that all the girls are really helpful and supportive of each other :) people are always so good about telling the original artist when their stuff is stolen... I feel like we all keep an eye out for each other which is a nice feeling... it still really sucks what happened here though i wish people would be more considerate. it's ok to repost without credit but you can't pass these things off as your own! :@

    1. Exactly! I don't know how they thought they weren't going to get noticed, they literally had my identifier opening on each of the videos still. And you're right about this blogging community. Of all the different communities I've been in (scrapbooking, rubber stamping, etc.) this is the most supportive I've ever seen, I'm constantly impressed by it, and I hope it never changes. :)


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