
Monday, June 23, 2014

Before & After: Honey Hive Lead-Lighting


Here is my second try at lead-lighting...I'm loving this technique, it's so crazy easy! If you missed the post where I explained it, you can find it by clicking here.

I started again with Color Club Look Don't Tusk, and ivory creme:

Then I stamped with Konad Black, using Pueen 54 and Mash 36:

And finally I finished by applying my translucent (LA Colors Tahiti Sunrise and Fiji Purple) polishes with my dotting tool:

In the close-up here you can tell the color was applied with a dotting tool in the open circles, but IRL, you can't see it unless you get up on top of it. :)

So which do you like better? This one, or yesterday's?



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