
Friday, June 27, 2014

Before & After: Life On The Interwebs


I don't know about you, but I live a remarkable (and perhaps disturbing) amount of my life on the interwebs. Surfing, shopping, working, keeping up with friends, everything. So I decided to make a manicure that reflects my interweb existence.

I started with Julep Winter, a light gray creme:

Julep Winter
Julep Winter

For the next phase of the design, I used this stamping plate that Born Pretty Store sent me for review; I adore all of the little icons on it!


The plate stamped beautifully; I had no problems at all. Perfect transfer, perfect everything. :)

First I used Bundle Monster 415 to put on a background of bits and bytes and bites of bits; then I stamped my little icons on top of that. I used Konad Black and White:

Might as well face it

You're addicted to the interwebs

Born Pretty Store has a ton of cute stamping plates for your stamping pleasure, so check them out...If you decide you want to buy something, I have a coupon for 10% off your order that you can use. :)

What do you think? Do your internet activities warrant an internet mani?

Hugs and loves,


  1. What cute stamping images! Love the interweb theme to them too.

  2. I really like the nail polish, as well as the meaning behind you manicure :)

    1. Thank you! Seriously, I don't know what I'd do without my laptop and smartphone, lol!

  3. This is really amazing, especially the ring finger. The colors are perfect too...Winter is sort of the color I feel like my face is when I've been surfing too long. :P

  4. Very cool! Ha, and I love it that you included the shopping trolley (cart), too. :D

    1. There is no way I could have pretended for a second that online shopping isn't a huge part of my life on the interwebs, lol! >.>

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. WANT! *grabby paws* That plate must be mine! Dang! You just got me again, didn't you? LOL


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