
Sunday, January 11, 2015

Review and How-to-use: MoYou London Fashionista 06

(Nothing to disclose)


Today I have a plate review for you, along with a test mani I did that's perfect for today's Crumpet Nail Tart's 31 Day Challenge theme, 'reversed polarities'...I also think it would make pretty good wallpaper, so it's one of my Nail Challenge Collaborative 'wallpaper' manicures--I love seeing if I can double-up and make a design that fulfills two challenges at once. :)

For the review portion, I'm taking a look at MoYou London's Fashionista 06: as always, here is the video I made, with my thoughts on how to use the plate:

And here are the still shots of the plate:

MoYou London Fashionista Collection 06
MoYou London Fashionista Collection 06

MoYou London Fashionista Collection 06

MoYou London Fashionista Collection 06

Here it is next to a standard Konad plate so you can get a feel for how big the areas are:

Next up, let's talk about some ways you can use this plate:

1) The most obvious: Go paisley! The three main areas of the plate are perfect for paisley full-nail designs; the one of the left is also good if you just want a part of your nail to have a bit of paisley on it:

Pretty paisley

2) Chains! There are three chain designs on this plate, in various sizes, for delicate bling, Shades-Of-Grey medium, and biker-chick looks. They are all relatively easy to isolate from the surrounding designs (take a look at my tutorial if you aren't sure how to do this):

The chain gang

3) Beee-yoo-tee-ful edges! This plate specializes in awesome borders that can be used as strips up one side of your nail, across your nails, or as funky French manicures. Not sure how that would look or work? Check out my post demonstrating this technique here.

Borders galore!

4) Funky half-moons. You've heard of funky French manicures, but how about funky half-moon manicures? This plate was made for it! Those little thimble-looking nubbins on the edge that goes around the bottom and the left edges? Put the top of those right where your half-moon area is, and you've got an easy, fast, super-cute manicure, and there are 7 different designs to choose from.

Funky half-moon possibilities

5) Mirror-image looks. One of the things that instantly drew me to this plate was the mirror-image-reverse-polarity design on the right of the plate. There is so much you can do with opposing colors with these designs, even if you only have one stampable color; for example, maybe you want beige and red together, but the beige doesn't stamp over the red polish, so you can't just have one nail stamped in the opposite color. With this plate you can use one base color and one stamping color, but get a look that looks like you had two complementary sets. You'll see what I mean next...

Reverse polarity possibilities

Finally, on to my sample manicure! I started out with a base of China Glaze Choo-Choo Choose You, a golden-olive and dusty purple duochrome that's unlike any other green-purple duochrome I've seen:

China Glaze Choo-Choo Choose You
China Glaze Choo-Choo Choose You

China Glaze Choo-Choo Choose You

China Glaze Choo-Choo Choose You

I was very excited about doing a mirror-image-carbon-copy sort of deal with this plate, so this is just perfect for the reversed-polarities challenge theme, and I love paisley for anything wallpaper. I stamped with Konad Green-Gold using these parts of the plate:

Reverse polarity manicure. :)

Reverse polarity manicure. :)

Reverse polarity manicure. :)

I stamped so my middle and ring fingers were reverses of each other, and my index and pinkie were also reverses of each other. I grabbed part of the paisley flower to the left for my thumb.

You know I love me my MoYou plates, and I love to be able to tell you how well they stamp. This plate, however, was a struggle. I had the devil of a time getting the portions on my middle and ring finger to stamp well, without bald-spots. I had to scrape and re-scrape about 10 times before I got an image I felt was acceptable. the other sections worked well--something about that one area was a challenge for me for some reason. So I would definitely classify this as an 'advanced' plate, and caution you that you may need patience with it. I personally love how this came out, but I hated wasting all of that polish trying to get clean images.

I hope your New Year is off to a wonderful start, and don't forget to check out the other manicures linked below! :)



  1. They look so pretty on, but think of do a disaster on my nails

    Danielle Mac

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you so much, that's very sweet of you to say!

  3. I love this color combination. Kind of like a spohisticated grunge thing going on!

    1. Lol, I love that description! The purple-olive duochrome def has that sort of slightly dirty/dusty/old feel. Love it. :)

  4. I think Moyou got a lot better at making those all-over-plates. I got a few from the Suki collection and I have a bit of trouble to identify possible designs that are actually large enough. Or I just don't have the imagination skills - who knows.
    Your mani is a perfect fit for the wallpaper theme. I love the base polish. It looks different on you than the swatches I've seen before. :D

    1. Completely agree. I've seen an evolution in their collage plates that I really like, and I see them playing around with different types of looks. Some that are more about full-nail images, and some that are more complex, like the astrological ones. And thank you!! The top swatch captured the green shift, but I couldn't manage to get both the green and purple in the same picture. grrrrrrr....:)

  5. I love Choo Choo and am so glad to have it. Must pull it out and use it now! And I will have to hunt down that Konad too. I have never seen it before and love it!

    1. I think I remember them discontinuing it. But that's okay, because Mentality has one that looks very similar, so check out their gold-greens if you can't find it. :)


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