
Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Review & test: MoYou London Comics 01

(Nothing to disclose)


I'm back with my second 'superheroes & villains' mani for the Nail Challenge Collaborative theme of the month...and this time I'm going to do a mani that has both!

This theme gave me reason to pull out another old-school MoYou London plate that's been languishing at the back of my queue, Comics collection 01. Here is my video review with ideas about how to use the plate:

And here are the still shots of the plate:

Comics Collection 01

Comics Collection 01

Comics Collection 01

And here it is next to a Konad plate so you can get a relative sense of the sizes:

And here is an up-close look at the stamping:

No sir, you can't ask for better images than that!

And now for my mani...I started with a base of Zoya Charlott, which was one of three minis I received in a mystery trio I bought; she's a lovely neutral beige:

Zoya Charlott

Zoya Charlott
Then I stamped using the reversed-stamping technique; I am still new to this technique, and I got a little smudging of the Konad Black when I colored the back of the images. I'm not sure how to avoid this with Konad Black; normally when I stamp with it, I just let it sit before I put topcoat on, and that works fine. But when you color in the back, you have to go over the same area several times in some cases, and you get some I have another black that I'm going to try out the next time I use this technique. For this one, I colored in with Sally Hansen Rapid Red, I-Rush Luck, and Lightning:

Take that!



My nails are curvy, so you see a little more of Medusa's face on the curve of the nail than is shown here. I gotta tell you, I really enjoyed wearing these nails--they felt very rock-a-billy chic and I did not want to take this manicure off! Such a fun look. :)

Don't forget to take a look at the other manis below, and as always, happy stamping!



  1. hard work and not easy plate ~! well done , i like it

    1. Thank you so much! It's definitely an advanced plate. :)

  2. Fun stamping plate! You got an amazing comic book themed manicure out of it.

  3. These plates are so much fun! I love that you added color!

    1. I had to do it--Sunday funnies rather than mid-week grayscale!! :)

  4. Oh wow, what amazing stamping. Those are probably some of the only MoYou's I don't have, now I want some!

    1. I'm so glad you like it! I think the reversed stamping technique makes these plates so much more versatile and fun to use. :)

  5. Awesome mani!! I put a layer of HK Girl on after the black stamped image, then color it in. Never had any bleeding that way! Might be worth a try. :)

    1. Now, why didn't I think of that on my own?! Thanks very much, excellent tip!! <3

  6. Whoa this plate is amazing! I'm in love with it. You did a great job with the reverse stamping.

    1. Thank you thank you! I'm getting better with it, learning what works slowly, lol. :)

  7. Wow, wow wow! This looks amazing! Those images are to die for and your decals are PERFECT

  8. I love this so much! Nice vid and pics

  9. Dude, these look like your regular decals - I mean like pre-prepared/store bought, and that just shows what an amazing job you did!
    (Also, I love it that it's an all-female cast :))


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