
Thursday, May 5, 2016

NOTD: Blue burst with Barielle polishes and UberChic Beautiful 8-02

(Press samples)

Hey! How ya doin'?

I've been crazy busy the last few months, and time has flown by (how is it May already??!!). You might know one of has I wear is writer, and I've written a few novels. Well, a while back I got an offer from an indie publisher for my second novel, currently named Deadly Avatar, a suspense thriller about a serial killer that finds his victims in an online role-playing game. After I did some research and some soul-searching, I decided it wasn't the right offer for me, but it has been encouraging and energizing to know that my stuff is good enough that somebody wants to publish it. So I've been working hard to see if I can kick that manuscript up a notch and have also been working hard on another mystery.

So anyway, you didn't come here to hear about that, you came to see nail art! I have a quickie for you today, using the two Barielle polishes I got from their new ProSina line, and UberChic Beauty Plate 8-02:

I put Barielle Belly Dance on my index and middle finger, and Sky's The Limit on the rest of my nails. Then I stamped my image using Sky's The Limit (it stamped so well!):

Barielle Belly Dance & Sky's The Limit + UberChic Beauty plate 8-02
Barielle Belly Dance & Sky's The Limit + UberChic Beauty plate 8-02

Barielle Belly Dance & Sky's The Limit + UberChic Beauty plate 8-02
Barielle Belly Dance & Sky's The Limit + UberChic Beauty plate 8-02

I think it's chic and elegant, and I love the way the direction of the two images give a little extra interest. What do you think?

Happy stamping,


  1. Really nice stamping. The lines in the image is so clean and crisp.

  2. Lovely! Very art deco (to me anyway) and I love it. The blue stamped so well!

    1. I so agree! And I was really impressed, both of these polishes stamp well...:)

  3. Gorgeous mani and color combo. I need to try and stamp with my Barielles!

    1. Yes, pull them out and give them a shot! Some of them work so well, others not so much. I try to stamp with pretty much every polish I get my grubby paws on...>.>

  4. Ooohhhh perfect color combo!! Love this mani!

    1. Thank you so much! I love these colors together...:) xoxo

  5. Very classy look! I love these colors together

    1. Thank you! Yes, the combo has an instant elegance doesn't it? :)

  6. The pairing with the nude is beautiful! I'm always in awe of your stamping.

  7. Beautiful stamping! Very classy look.

  8. I really love your nail look! I didn't know you were an author, that's so exciting! Congratulations and I wish you all the success!

    1. Thank you so much! I have one non-fiction book published and hope to get a novel out there soon! :)

  9. That polish really stamps beautifully. Love this mani!

  10. I love the color combo you used. The blue really pops against the nede!


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