
Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Review: Marianne Nails plate 124

(Press samples ahead!)


I hope you had a great weekend--mine was stuck in migraine land, and I'm so happy to finally be out from under it. :)

Today we're gonna take a look at another cool plate from Marianne Nails, plate 124. In case you missed it, here is my video review:

(And I'm having a giveaway for a Marianne Nails plate, which you can find here.)

Let's take a closer look:

Marianne Nails 124
Marianne Nails 124

This plate has gorgeous native images on it, dreamcatchers, all sorts of feathers, and a totem you can use for full-nail images. Don't forget to play around with the edges on that--you can place the images in all sorts of cool ways to get different effects.

The images are all different sizes, so here's a shot with a ruler to give you a feel:

How do they stamp? The stamping quality is amazing, take a look:

For my sample mani, I started with a base of Zoya Lacey (from their spring 2017 Charming collection), and then stamped over it with Messy Mansion Hydrangea Blue, then stamped my little lizards with Messy Mansion Pudding:

Marianne Nails 124 over Zoya Lacey, stamped with Messy Mansion polishes
Marianne Nails 124 over Zoya Lacey, stamped with Messy Mansion polishes

Marianne Nails 124 over Zoya Lacey, stamped with Messy Mansion polishes
Marianne Nails 124 over Zoya Lacey, stamped with Messy Mansion polishes

Marianne Nails 124 over Zoya Lacey, stamped with Messy Mansion polishes
Marianne Nails 124 over Zoya Lacey, stamped with Messy Mansion polishes

This has a cool southwestern look that goes with spring, but with a little kick (a little lizard kick, that is, hehehehehe). I was super happy with how well the Hydrangea Blue showed up over Lacey, for a layered effect that was subtle, but not too subtle.  What do you think?

You can find this plate in Marianne Nails' store. You can also find them around the interwebs:

And don't forget to enter my Marianne Nails giveaway here! :)

Happy stamping!


  1. I like the designs on this stamping plate a lot.

  2. I'm really loving the dreamcatchers designs!

  3. I like the double stamped ones a lot. Great job!

  4. I grew up in Southwest Colorado, and these totally make me think of home! I love how these turned out <3

  5. What a beautiful plate! You southwestern nail art is fantastic- I love the image combination and colours you went with!

  6. This plate is beautiful, I really love the color choices of your manicure. Beautiful combination.

  7. I love the level of detail on the plate. Intricate designs make for great nail art.

  8. Great mani. I love the colors you chose!

  9. I'm so glad you are feeling better! That is one gorgeous plate!!

  10. I love the look you created with this plate! That dreamcatcher image looks like fun, too :)


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