
Monday, March 6, 2017

Review: Messy Mansion MM48XL (The Paisley Plate!)

(Press samples ahead!)


Today I have a Messy Mansion plate to show you, Messy Mansion MM48XL--or as I think of it, the paisley plate! Here's the video review I did:

And here's a still shot:

Messy Mansion MM48XL
Messy Mansion MM48XL

Little paisley, big paisley. Full nail paisley, individual paisleys (paislies?). And, possibly my favorite--pocket patch paisley.

The size of the images vary, so here's a shot with a ruler to help you judge:

And how do they stamp? Just awesome!!

Very well--I found a firm scrape worked best to get all of that detail.

For my sample mani, I started with a base of The Lady Varnishes Depressed Robot, and then stamped my image first with Messy Mansion Soft Gold, and then Gingerbread:

Messy Mansion MM48XL over The Lady Varnishes Depressed Robot, stamped with Soft Gold and Gingerbread
Messy Mansion MM48XL over The Lady Varnishes Depressed Robot, stamped with Soft Gold and Gingerbread

Messy Mansion MM48XL over The Lady Varnishes Depressed Robot, stamped with Soft Gold and Gingerbread
Messy Mansion MM48XL over The Lady Varnishes Depressed Robot, stamped with Soft Gold and Gingerbread

Messy Mansion MM48XL over The Lady Varnishes Depressed Robot, stamped with Soft Gold and Gingerbread
Messy Mansion MM48XL over The Lady Varnishes Depressed Robot, stamped with Soft Gold and Gingerbread

I'm extremely happy with how the colors go together, and with the placement of the images--plenty of space to let that awesome glitter show through.

You can find this plate and the stamping polishes in Messy Mansion's store, and here's where else you can hang out with them on the interwebs:

Happy stamping!


  1. Some wonderful paisley designs on this stamping plate.

  2. Lovely plate. And I adore your mani, with images "condensed" on tips, but framing the rest of the nail. Brilliant, as ever. <3

    1. Thank you so much!! Sort of like a French tip mani, except, well, not...>.> ;-)

  3. This looks like an awesome plate, love what you've done with it!


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