
Thursday, March 8, 2018

Dixie Plates Spring 01!

(Press samples and affiliate links ahead!)


Today we're going to take a look at the first of several Spring plates I have to show you, Dixie Plates Spring 01, and I'm super stoked about it, because it's an elegant layering plate!  Of course I did a video review for you, along with Botanicals 01:

and here's a still-shot of the plate:

Check out all of those photo-realistic flowers done in layers! And for a bunch of them, multiple layers--that butterfly even has four layers! You can pack in the color without having to use time-consuming techniques and I LOVE that.

But, I also want to encourage you to think about using the images separately as well. A lot of the middle layers give gorgeous abstract looks, for backgrounds or collages, and of course the 'top' layers can be used all on their own for any type of art you want. So play around!

As for size, the flowers are all different sizes, so here's a shot with a ruler so you can see what will fit with your nails. One thing Dixie Plates does is tend to be generous with her images, so if you have longer nails, you have more options for fuller coverage with her plates. If your nails are smaller, there are still images that will fit, and you can always use just a portion of the larger images in your designs (see below):

Dixie Plates are excellent quality, and this was no exception:

I used Sally Hansen Midnight Drive and Re-Teal Therapy for these samples, along with my clear stamper.

Now on to the manicures! I mentioned below that you can use the layers separately if you want to for a more abstract look, and the moment I saw the plate the middle image in the bottom row of layering images just screamed at me to be used that way. For this manicure, I started with a base of The Lady Varnishes Moon Blinked, and then stamped my images using Messy Mansion Chalk and Sterling--notice I did not try to line them up, I wanted them separate:

Dixie Plates Spring 01 over The Lady Varnishes Moon Blinked

Dixie Plates Spring 01 over The Lady Varnishes Moon Blinked
Dixie Plates Spring 01 over The Lady Varnishes Moon Blinked

I love how the beauty of the images pop out over the teal, and each layer how the more solid layer balances out the fine lines of the other layer. I absolutely want a skirt or dress with this pattern!!

For my next mani, I wanted to use the images the way they're designed to be used, to show off how beautiful they are and so easy to use! I started with a base of Zoya Darby, and then sponged on a little bit of Zoya Leia for a tiny bit of sparkle in the background. Then I stamped a large flower image with Sally Hansen Sand Storm for a bit of background texture. Finally, I stamped the first layer of my flowers and leaves using Kaleidoscope st-06 Mint and st-04 Pink, then the second layer with Hit The Bottle Polish My Suitor Wears Pewter:

Dixie Plates Spring 01 over Zoya Darby & Leia, stamped with Kaleidoscope polishes

Dixie Plates Spring 01 over Zoya Darby & Leia, stamped with Kaleidoscope polishes

For some reason, I had to see what this one looked like matted, and I'm so glad I did:

Dixie Plates Spring 01 over Zoya Darby & Leia, stamped with Kaleidoscope polishes, matted

Dixie Plates Spring 01 over Zoya Darby & Leia, stamped with Kaleidoscope polishes, matted

These images take my breath away, and they are SO EASY. I do plenty of reversed stamping and make plenty of decals, but omg, you can get such detailed, layered color so easily this way. I hope to see many more layering plates like this, with the detailed, elegant images, coming our way. :)

If you'd like to see a tutorial for either of these, let me know!

If you're in the US and Canada, you can find Dixie Plates at Lantern & Wren, and if you're elsewhere, check the Dixie Plates site to find the best retailer for you. You can also find Hit The Bottle Polish and the Kaleidoscope stamping polishes there, as well as the clear stamper I used for my swatches and manicures. And you can stalk Dixie Plates around the interwebs here:

Dixie Plates Facebook Fangroup:

Dixie Plates on Instagram:

Big hugs,
M. xoxo

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  1. This is a lovely plate! I love layering plates as well!

  2. These are great images and the plates seem very versatile.

    1. Really versatile, which is amazing considering how intricate they are. :)

  3. I’m in love with these plates. And I have to say, your final mani.... matte, is absolutely breathtaking. I LOVE it!

    1. Aren't the plates great?! And thank you so much!! :)

  4. Beautiful manicures! I would very much like to have that plate in my collection.

    1. Thank you! Yes, the plate is awesome, you gotta grab it. :)

  5. I will be adding this one to my list! I love double stamping images.

    1. They allow you to do such awesome things so easily!

  6. I really like how you filled in the flowers!

  7. I need to get me some of these plates..
    I am in love with your second mani!

    1. Thank you! And you do--they make it so easy to do such pretty things. :)


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