
Monday, May 14, 2018

The Digit-al Dozen inspires each other: Day 1

(Press samples and affiliate links ahead!)


This month, The Digit-al Dozen decided to choose a mani each day made by another Digit-al Dozen member that inspires us, and recreate it in some way. Today I chose a manicure that inspired me to do as close a complete recreation as possible; as we move through the week, I'll narrow in on certain elements I want to recreate.

The second I saw this mani Courtney from Polished Lifting did, I knew I had to recreate it:

I don't have this exact polish or plate, and I had one with a very similar image on the way, but it didn't come in time...So I used the next best plate I had.

I started with a base of Zoya Darby, and then stamped using MoYou London Mandala 14. I stamped with Kaleidoscope St-01 Black, and colored in with Kaleidoscope St-04 and St-06 Mint. Here's how it came out:

What do you think, did I do hers justice? I think hers is a bit softer, but I do like how the mandala worked in place of the succulent plant. I think both are pretty nice. :)

I'll be back tomorrow with another 'inspired' manicure--in the meantime, check out the other ladies' manis, linked below!

Big hugs,
M. xoxo

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  1. This turned out great. They are both beautiful!

  2. So beautiful! I love it! <3 I also want and need this stamping plate!

  3. yours is so brilliant and vivid, but still true to your inspo.

  4. You did a great job with your stamping choices. Love these.

  5. Your is very pretty and it has a lot more vibrant shades. Both are beautiful.

  6. ooo, I love these and I love the color combo!

  7. Beautiful, subtle design. I like the colors you used.

  8. You definitely did this mani justice!

  9. Great recreation! You did a great job with the reverse stamping.

  10. you definitely did the originals justice <3

  11. Your stamping decals are so perfect.

  12. These are so pretty!! That was so smart to use a mandala in place of the succulent!

  13. Oh wow, beautiful recreation, very elegant!


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