
Thursday, September 13, 2018

The Digit-al Dozen Does Recreations--Day 4!

(Press samples and affiliate links ahead!)


So today's day 4 of the Digit-al Dozen's recreation week, and I'm back with another of my very first manis to recreate for you...

(BTW, I see that this series has cause a number of you to go back and check out some of my first posts...I offer my sincerest apologies to you, lol! In fact, I'm considering changing my hosting plan because it's probably super stupid for me to pay money to keep those up in the blogosphere--nobody's got time to waste on manis that bad!!!)

So today's recreation is a lesson in the folly of pig-headedness...before I explain what I mean, let's take a look at the original mani:

Okay, yeah, so. Since the very beginning of my nail art journey, I've been obsessed with making silver stamping over gold holo, or gold stamping over silver holo, work, especially with visual-illusion images. Now, sometimes they do work enough that they're pretty in real life--but I have never, ever been able to get it to work such that I can photograph it and have it show up well in my pictures. Ironically, this is actually the best I've been able to manage.

Every few years at Easter time, my brain says to me "Hey, wow, those marshmallow peeps sure look good," conveniently forgetting how much I detest marshmallow peeps. And every so often, that same portion of my brain tells me that this time, this combination of silver and gold will work, because surely some stamping polish/base coat combo I haven't tried yet is the way to go. Every time the peeps nauseate me, and every time the combo fails to work.

When picking my manis for this week, that part of my brain woke up again. So I tried to recreate this mani using different visual-illusion images that I thought would allow the silver/gold combination to shine.

It didn't.

So, I present to you a version of this mani that says, in bold colors: I officially acknowledge that for whatever reason, whether it's my skin tone, my non-professional-level camera, or some other reason, the silver/gold combo is just not one that works for me.

BeautyBigBang BBB XL-016 over China Glaze OMG

BeautyBigBang BBB XL-016 over China Glaze OMG

 Yes, that's much better--the holo sines through, and adds to the visual illusion look--I really love how this came out. This is Kaleidoscope Black over China Glaze OMG; the image is from BeautyBigBang BBB XL-016 (use my code MISHKA824M for 10% off  your order).

I'll be back with my final recreation tomorrow--in the meantime, check out what the other ladies did below. :)

Big hugs,
M. xoxo

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1 comment:

  1. Ha, loved this journey of learning and growth. Was still hoping for a silver-gold combo! :)
    This is impressive, though, and bold. I'd go for a smoky, lilac-y purple instead of black, hmm..


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