
Monday, October 29, 2018

(Before & After): Seven Deadly Sins + Halloween, Day 5

(Press samples and affiliate links ahead!)


We're up to the day five, and today's sin is: Pride!

Yeah, nobody promised me this would be easy.

One aspect of pride, at least the bad side of pride, is out of control vanity. We've all seen the pictures of people (men and women!) who are so worried about getting old and losing their looks that they get a ton of plastic surgery, or whose plastic surgery goes I decided the perfect Halloween baddie for Pride is the mummy.

I started, of course, with a base of Spellbound Nails Pride, a red plum holo with gold holo glitter:

Spellbound Nails Pride

Then I stamped eyeballs, lips (you can't really see them under the bandages, and bloody gashes, covered with bandages. I left it messy to look like a surgery gone wrong...I used My Online Shop Jr-22, MoYou London Gothic 04, UberChic Beauty Zombie Love, and Messy Mansion MM28, stamped with Messy Mansion Spring Green, Sterling, Red-y or Not, Carbon, and Sally Hansen Sand Storm:

Spellbound Nails Pride--The Mummy

What do you think? Is it creepy and goopy enough? What halloween 'baddie' would you have chosen for Pride?

Big hugs,
M. xoxo

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