
Wednesday, October 2, 2019

PPU Alert!: Lantern & Wren Feather Light Lotion

(Press samples and affiliate links ahead!)


Yesterday I showed you Lantern & Wren Don't Run Upstairs, Carleigh's stamping polish included in this month's PPU sale. But, Lantern & Wren also has another cool item you can buy this month--a shortbread-scented lotion. 

In fact, Lantern & Wren plans to have a different scented lotion available regularly during the PPU sales, so I was interested to test it out. I have high standards when it comes to the lotion I use, because I am very sensitive to scents, and I absolutely hate feeling like I have anything on my hands. So, the scents have to be high-quality and the lotion has to be non-greasy. Let's take a look at how Lantern & Wren's measured up...

As you can see, the bottle is very generous! You won't have to worry about running out after a few uses.

The lotion itself is thick, with a lovely smooth consistency, not at all watery or goopy. The first picture is right from the bottle, the second I smooshed it around with my finger a little to give you a sense of how it holds up.

Here it is on my hands (which, as you can see, are dry and have a ton of premature age spots because I'm OCD and wash my hands twenty times a day, plus I have to be careful about the lotions I use!) You can see in the picture, as soon as I put this on, it began to soak in. After a quick rub, the lotion disappeared completely, leaving no greasiness behind. I'll have no problem wearing this on a regular basis.

Until smell-o-vision is invented, you'll have to trust me on the scent--it smells like the yummiest cookies you'd ever want to eat! It literally fooled my husband, who didn't realize I was wearing it, and wanted to know what I'd just eaten and why I hadn't shared with him.

So, my final verdict: this is an excellent product that I'll definitely use. I didn't have a bad reaction to the scent, and I found it absorbed beautifully--it's definitely feather light. I'd definitely recommend it.

You can buy this product during this month's Polish Pickup sale, from October 4th-7th. There's a cap of 100, and it will sell for $12.00.

Big hugs,
M. xoxo

Follow me all the places! 

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