
Contact Info

Hello! If you have a question or comment that you'd like to send directly to me rather than leave a comment, you can reach me at the below e-mail address. Also, this is a PR friendly blog; if you would like me to do a review of your product on my blog, please send me an e-mail. I review products only on the condition that I retain the right to be 100% honest with respect to my opinions on the product. :)

You can reach me at:

I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Thank you!


  1. LOVE your videos! I bought the Drikk plate A and the XL squishy stamp after watching your video. I have a question about the XL stamper though. The directions that came with mine said to clean with adhesive tape. I've been cleaning it with non-acetone polish remover. Will I ruin it by doing that? I don't see how adhesive tape can get it clean enough?
    Thank you!

    1. Hey there--I was just on this page answering another question and I just wanted to update this for anyone reading--I have been using acetone on my stamper for about 2 years now, and it's as good as the day I got it. :)

  2. Thank you so much! I personally clean mine with pure acetone and haven't had any problem, so if it's fine with acetone, a non-acetone remover should be fine. Of course, I haven't had it for very long, only about two months I think, but I haven't seen any damage at all. I also can't see how adhesive tape would be enough to clean it well...Let me ask around some of my nail groups and see what I find out. :)

  3. Could you tell me how you found out there was lead in the black heart nail polish...i saw it on their site last week and someone i know wrote them and they told her cruelty free etc but i saw it on their site myself lol they have since decided to not disclose that

    1. There was a warning symbol next to some of their polishes that when you clicked it said that there were small levels of lead that required notification in some states. I just checked the site, and that warning is no longer there. It's possible it was put up in error in the first place; I'll e-mail them and see if I can get more information. If that warning was in error, I'd like to correct my posts. :)

  4. Hello! I have been looking for the MoYou landscape style XL stamping plates (the two floralish that you had in your youtube tutorial), and I am having a hard time finding them!!!! Where can I purchase them???

    1. Hi Laura! I replied last night, but forgot to reply directly to your post. >.< But that's okay, because I heard back from MoYou already, and they say that Landscape 02, which I believe is the one you were looking for, will be back in stock next week. :)

  5. Hi Laura! I just went and looked and also couldn't find them either directly on the MoYou site or on Amazon. I'm guessing that means they're sold out for the moment, and hopefully not discontinued. What you should do is contact them through their site and let them know you're interested. They are very good at responding to what customers ask for, so even if they are discontinued, if they get customer requests maybe they'll bring them back. I'll also check directly with them and see what I can find out for you. :)

  6. I do enjoy your stamping plate reviews, but I have one request to make of you that would make your videos so much better imo. Please stop running your fingers all over the image plates as you are describing each image, This totally blocks the view of images I would like to look at more closely or longer than you focused on them. Your nails are lovely and you have nice fingers but please, don't block up our view of the plates. Honestly, we know which image you're referring to as you describe them very well. (except it was a Crane and not a flamingo on the Suki plate : ) )

    1. Hi GG! Anytime you need to, you can see the stills of the plates here on the blog. In those pics every image is clear all the time. :)

  7. Hi Michelle,

    My name is Anuj Agarwal. I'm Founder of Feedspot.

    I would like to personally congratulate you as your blog Lacquer or Leave Her! has been selected by our panelist as one of the Top 50 Nail Polish Blogs on the web.

    I personally give you a high-five and want to thank you for your contribution to this world. This is the most comprehensive list of Top 50 Nail Polish Blogs on the internet and I’m honored to have you as part of this!

    Also, you have the honor of displaying the badge on your blog.



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