
Saturday, January 14, 2017

NOTD: Sassy Pants Polish New Fallen Snow + UCB 12-03

(Press samples ahead!)


Is it cold in your neck of the woods? Where I am, we've had record lows coming and going for several weeks--probably the coldest winter so far that I remember in a long time. I do love the cold, though, so I'm happy--but our plants are not.

In keeping with the seasonal weather, today's mani is a winterscape...I started with a base of Sassy Pants Polish New Fallen Snow, a gorgeous polish for any snow effect you want to achieve. Then I stamped the tree and bird layering images from UberChic Beauty 12-03:

UberChic Beauty 12-03
UberChic Beauty 12-03

I stamped the trees with Hit The Bottle Polish Everyday I'm Truffling (also available at Beautometry) and the birds with Messy Mansion Red-y Or Not; here's how it came out:

UberChic Beauty 12-03 stamped over Sassy Pants Polish New Fallen Snow
UberChic Beauty 12-03 stamped over Sassy Pants Polish New Fallen Snow

UberChic Beauty 12-03 stamped over Sassy Pants Polish New Fallen Snow
UberChic Beauty 12-03 stamped over Sassy Pants Polish New Fallen Snow

There are no words for how happy I am with how this turned out! I love the little pop of red, and the trees against the snowy landscape just feels serene and peaceful to me. This was absolutely one of those manis that it killed me to have to take off.

Happy stamping, and stay warm!!


  1. Beautiful mani! I have the plate and have had it in my head to use a white background and I love yours! I also really like the idea of having some of the trees without the birds.

    1. Thank you! I figured there'd be like one little family of birds hanging out while the rest bailed, lol. :)

  2. I need to get some of these plates! They make double stamping combos so easy.

  3. This plate!! Your color choices!! Your placement!! You should be pleased. This is beautiful!

  4. As it happens, when I saw this post I was sitting outside (having coffee, naturally), on a lovely sunny winter day, with snow covered horizons and birds singing cheerily... no lie. :)

    This is so pretty, love the burst of colours you chose for your birdies. Overall gives a really peaceful vibe.

    1. Oh, wow! That sounds so lovely--cold, but lovely!! I have a little jelly going on, lol. :) And thank you. :)

  5. This turned out absolutely beautiful!

  6. So cute, I love the little red birds!


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