
Monday, May 21, 2012

Review: New MASH nail stamping plates! (Part I)

(Press sample; affiliate links)


Today I have a review of the new MASH plates for you. Warning! This is a very picture-heavy post! In this post I'll describe the plates to you, and show you pictures of them so you can see the images. In a separate post I have tested how well the designs stamp (quick answer: really well!) and you can see that post by clicking here. I have a video showing and discussing the plates:

Each plate came individually packaged, and with protective blue film on it, as seen below. The plates all have backing on them and the edges are nice and smooth, so you don't have to worry about cutting yourself the way you do with some other brands. The blue film came off very easily, but in some cases did leave a very slight residue--this isn't a problem, however, because it comes off easily with a swipe of acetone. There are 25 plates total, numbered MASH-26 through MASH-50.

The designs are original, not dupes like some brands. While there are some standards here--it seems like every set includes some version of leopard, zebra, and giraffe, for example, the vast majority of them are completely new. 

Below I show each plate in order:

Mash-26. Mostly tip designs; I love the tribal one best.

Mash-27. More tip designs; how cool would those stars be for 4th of July? And I love the mosaic-y one.

Mash-28.  I love the shattered tip, and I can't wait to do something with that spikey one!

Mash-29.  I love skulls, so instant win for me here.

Mash-30. I adore these dandelions!

Mash-31. I'm not much of a happy-face person, but I will find a reason to use the devil face, lol! It's just too cute.

 Mash-32. How cute is that ladybug! And I love the key (those are not scratches on the plate, it's residue from the blue protective covering that comes right off with acetone).

Mash-33. Shooting star FTW!

Mash-34. I love anything celestial, so the planet is my favorite here.

Mash-35. I love that flower in the center, and the nested squares are way cool.

Mash-36. The Eye of Horus is one of my favorite symbols, and I love the detail on that bee (wasp?).

Mash-37. My favorite here is the clouds.

Mash-38. Since I'm a halloween addict, this might be my favorite. This is the best spider I've seen, by far. And how cool is having a heartbeat line?

Mash-39. My favorite on this one is the fan pattern. Very elegant.

Mash-40. Pretty swirlies...

Mash-41. So much to love here, I don't know where to start.

Mash-42.  The nested squares are my favorite here.

Mash-43. I love the tapestry flowers, and those stripes would have come in handy when I was doing my easter manicure!

Mash-44. Love the chain links.

Mash-45. Those vines are so funky and cool, and those cherries are made for anything pin-up inspired!

Mash-46. These are all cool, but the arching design is my favorite, very art deco.

Mash-47. Ninja-star snowflakes! Yes!

Mash-48. Those flames would have come in handy when I was doing my Hunger Games mani...Definitely gonna use them for the second movie.

Mash 49. How gorgeous is that lily? But the waves are my favorite on this one, I think.

 Mash 50. Those vines are so cool, I can see them working for so many things.

I just love this set. :) You can buy these plates by clicking here; they are currently selling them for $12.99, which is an AMAZING price, in my opinion--I expected a set of such high quality with original designs to go for a lot more than that. If I were you, I'd go grab them before they get wise to it and raise the price! ;-)

Thanks for looking,


(These products were provided to me for review. This did not influence my opinion of the product. For more information, please see the disclosure on my legal page)


  1. Wow!! Thank you for sharing these detailed pictures! I have no idea wich set i want to buy this June lol ***

    1. My pleasure! I know, so many new sets coming out! :)

  2. I decided, I'm getting Bundle Monster, Cheeky and now because it is available and you posted this (had no clue about it) I just bought the Mash set. lol Now what else is out there? :)Thanks!

    1. You're gonna love them. Let me see what you do with them when you get them! :)

  3. I've never found Mash around here,... =/
    They look really neat!

    1. Did you look at the online shop? Not sure where all they ship to...

  4. I was unsure about purchasing another of these bundles only because the last one I got, I was not too thrilled about (issues with plates not being deep enough). I love the Konad ones but at $5-7 each it adds up, well anyways thank you for this helpful review. I just placed my order and I can't wait to sample them myself.

    1. You're welcome! I know what you mean, it's a real pain when you get a set that aren't made right. But from what I've heard, Mash is really good about replacing if there is a problem. So if you get a set you aren't happy with, definitely let them know! :)



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