Monday, March 23, 2015

Review, test & Mani: Messy Mansion plates 18, 28, 34, 37 & 43

(Purchased by me; affiliate links)


I finally did it--I finally got my little paws on some Messy Mansion plates. Yes, I can hear you saying 'Whaaa?? How could it take so long, Michelle? How?' Well, there were several plates I wanted, and every time I went to buy them, one of them was out of stock. But then...the stars aligned, and I clicked, clicked, clicked!

Here is my video review and test of the plates:

Here's how they come packaged:

And here are the images of the individual plates:

Messy Mansion MM18 (Shabby Chic):

Messy Mansion MM18: Boujour, Paris!

Messy Mansion MM28 (Crime Scene):

Messy Mansion MM28: You'll never take me alive, copper!

Messy Mansion MM34 (Fox and hounds):

Messy Mansion MM34: Celtic foxy wolves

Messy Mansion MM37 (Pirate theme):

Messy Mansion MM37: Arrrrr, Matey!

Messy Mansion MM43 (Steampunk theme):

Messy Mansion MM43: Do you want to see my steampunk-punk-punk, my steampunk-punk?

I love the elegance of all these plates. The images are so detailed, and because the plates are larger than normal, you get a nice variety of images in the theme. do they stamp?

Quite well, actually:

Steampunk suspenders and Parisian flourishes

I pressed too hard on the first try--but look at the beautiful detail on that second one

Barbed wire and an incredibly detailed map...

All of the detail come out perfectly, and I didn't have to struggle to scrape or pick-up; the images are well-spaced, so that even though there are so many of them, the plates work well.

So how big are those images, anyway? Let's take a look at them next to a standard Konad plate:

Messy Mansion MM28 vs. Konad

Messy Mansion MM28 vs. Konad

The full-nail images are large enough so you shouldn't have to worry about covering your width and length unless you've got some looooong nails. :)

I couldn't wait to play with these, and the beautiful spring colors I've been playing just called out for a country French theme...

I started with Zoya Daisy, my favorite of the spring polishes I've seen so far. Then I stamped using MM18, with Konad white and Sally Hansen Blue Away:

French country chic
French country chic

French country chic

French country chic

French country chic

I love, love, love this manicure--I wore it for nearly a week because I couldn't bear to take it off. And I never, ever thought I'd say that about a yellow-based manicure, but Daisy rocks. And I love the creativity that just jumped off of the plate.

I definitely recommend these plates--I bought mine here on Amazon. :)

Happy Stamping,


  1. You are totally rocking those nails. Looks great(!) and neither of us are yellow-fans. Crazy right?!

    Do you think it would look look to used a dry brush technique on the "Eau de ..." image, to make it look like those stamps on the wooden boxes. With grey and white over a wooden stamp in tones of brown?

    I think that could look really cool.

  2. Some wonderful stamping plates you showed here. They all look so good.

  3. Fantabulous! Beautometry also carries these plates plus a bunch more hard to get in the US plate brands. I have an order coming from them with a couple of the Messy Mansion plates & I hope the full nail images are large enough for my claws. Who says I can't be an optimist. LOL

  4. These are some interesting plates by Messy Mansion. Loved your mani.

  5. Really cute! And Daisy is amazing!

  6. Love your double stamping! The first and last plates were my faves.

  7. Wow these are really cool! I would have not noticed how cool though without you blog - am I the only person who finds it easy to overlook stamping plates sometimes? Definitely some unique, interesting but wearable designs here and your mani is lovely!

  8. I really love the plates you chose! They seem to stamp very very well too!

  9. I need to get my hands on these plates!!

  10. Beautiful mani! I've had the wolf plate and steampunk plate on my wishlist forever too!

  11. Adorable! There are some awesome plates there!

  12. These plates looks great, Celtic foxy wolves is my favorite!

  13. I love your video and review! Your mani is gorgeous as well

  14. I love Messy Mansion plates! ok so I only have one right now but it's awesome. I really like the steampunk one you got, gonna have to add it to the wishlist.

  15. I actually own MM18!! I LOVE what you did with it!! Beautiful vintage damask!! Just gorgeous!


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