Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Review, test, & How-to-use: MoYou London Kitty 14

(Nothing to disclose)


On the heels of my comparison of MoYou London Kitty 12 and 13, I had to follow up with a review of Kitty 14, my personal favorite plate of the collection--of course, because it's one of their collage plates!

Up first is the my video:

And here are the still shots of the plate:

MoYou London Kitty 14
MoYou London Kitty 14

MoYou London Kitty 14

MoYou London Kitty 14
MoYou London Kitty 14

And to give you a general sense of the size of the elements, here is a comparison with a standard Konad plate:

MoYou London Kitty 14 vs. Konad
MoYou London Kitty 14 vs. Konad

So how does it stamp? Pretty darn well:

MoYou London Kitty 14 stamping test
MoYou London Kitty 14 stamping test

So what can you do with this plate?

1) Butterflies galore!  Small butterflies. Big butterflies. And even one butterfly in the center that can get you that butterfly-wing effect manicure.

2) Flowers, flourishes, and foliage!  Plenty of pretty elements to use in collages or by themselves.

3) Full-nail images: Some of these are a little tight and may work better for smaller nails:

4) Mirror-image-carbon-copy effect: My favorite part of this plate is the funky huge butterfly on the left--I love all of the scrollwork and flowers inside of the butterfly wings, and I love that you get a mirror-image-carbon-copy of the two halves, so you can play with two colors together opposing one another on different nails.

And just to finish off, here's a manicure I did with this plate; I showed it to you before, and you can see all the details by clicking here:

I turned this design so I could get each wing on a different nail, but if you rotated it about 90 degrees, you'd get full coverage over a single nail. :)

So there you have MoYou London Kitty 14!

Happy Stamping,


  1. Some gorgeous butterfly designs on this plate! :)

  2. I'll skip this one as the patterns are too big for my nails but it sure looks lovely!

  3. So cute!! I love spreading an image over 2 or 3 nails - it's so artistic :)

  4. I love the huge patterns like this, they look so cool!

  5. What a great plate! It's so versatile!

  6. I love idea number 4 and totally wouldn't have seen that on my own! I love your collage plate posts for this reason!

  7. Great video. I loved your way of reviewing !! :)

  8. I love butterflies, this plate is gorgeous!

  9. Such a pretty plate. And that mani is still just so lovely. Perfect for spring!

  10. Beautiful! I love your color combo. Is it weird that I have friends who are terrified of butterflies? What is that!

  11. Pretty plates!! And great pairing of colors for that stamping job. Someone randomly sent me the new Creative Stamper so now I need to find some plates. sigh so nervous!


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