Sunday, May 1, 2016

Review: UberChic Beauty mini plates

(Press samples and affiliate link ahead!)

Hello nail lovelies!

UberChic Beauty has tried something new with their stamping plates--mini plates! These plates are designed to go in-depth on a single theme, and they're pretty darn awesome.

Of course I made a video to show them to you and give some ideas for using the images (with a live stamping test thrown in:

And in this post I'm going to do things a little differently. Usually I show all the plates, then all the size stills, then all the stamping tests. This time I'm going to go plate by plate, since these are all sold separately.

Let's start with my favorite, Coffee Addict, you know, because COFFEE!:

Uber Mini: Coffee Addict plate
Uber Mini: Coffee Addict plate

Uber Mini: Coffee Addict plate
Uber Mini: Coffee Addict plate

Uber Mini: Coffee Addict plate
Uber Mini: Coffee Addict plate

There is so much awesome in this plate, I do't even know where to begin. All the different sizes and shapes of drinks are so adorable--you can use a single one on an accent nail, or make a collage with them, or represent your favorites strategically. I love the full nail images, especially the huge one--I plan to do a mani where I put the section that says 'I <3 Coffee' on one nail and other sections on the others. But I think my very favorite image is the one that looks like tiles with different mugs and espresso makers--how cool would that be stamped over a gorgeous brown holo?!

Here are the sizes we're looking at:

Uber Mini: Coffee Addict plate
Uber Mini: Coffee Addict plate

Uber Mini: Coffee Addict plate
Uber Mini: Coffee Addict plate

Even though these plates are minis, you can see the full-nail images will cover your nails unless they're pretty darn long, and the little images are small enough to fit on the nail no problem. :) And as for stamping quality, it's solid:

Next is the Little Bitty Icons plate. I apologize, this plate was difficult to photograph; since the images are so small, they competed with the reflection of my hands, and the tiny surface scratches you can't normally even see:

Uber Mini: Little Bitty Icons
Uber Mini: Little Bitty Icons

Uber Mini: Little Bitty Icons
Uber Mini: Little Bitty Icons

Uber Mini: Little Bitty Icons
Uber Mini: Little Bitty Icons

UberChic originally designed these plates for nail addicts' kids--the images are meant for their little nails. I know a fair number of women who have pretty darn small nails, too, and this would be a great plate for them, too. But, even for the rest of us, this is a versatile plate. These are awesome for a simple decoration on a French design, great for a single small accent, and you can combine them to make your own collages.

Check out how truly bitty they are:

Uber Mini: Little Bitty Icons
Uber Mini: Little Bitty Icons

Uber Mini: Little Bitty Icons
Uber Mini: Little Bitty Icons

And while I had a hard time with taking a picture of them, they stamp beautifully:

The Parisian Love plate is another favorite of mine, almost tied with the Coffee Addict plate:

Uber Mini: Parisian Love
Uber Mini: Parisian Love

Uber Mini: Parisian Love
Uber Mini: Parisian Love

Uber Mini: Parisian Love
Uber Mini: Parisian Love

You can go cut with this--little cafe scenes or street scenes--or boho chic with the script and the flourishes and OMG that woman with her gorgeous face and hair! Going to a wine tasting party or on a romantic picnic? How perfect is that little wine glass and the little cheese wedge and the little croissant? Love.

Here's an idea of the relative sizes:

Uber Mini: Parisian Love

Uber Mini: Parisian Love

And here is how it stamps--pay no attention to the warping, that's because I stamped down on a piece of paper, and that's why I try to do all my demos on my fingers. You can see that despite the warping that was my error, the image came out very well:

And finally, we have the Succulents plate, which celebrates cacti and their relatives:

Uber Mini: Succulents
Uber Mini: Succulents

Uber Mini: Succulents
Uber Mini: Succulents

Uber Mini: Succulents
Uber Mini: Succulents

For a long time, cacti were the only plants I could keep alive...luckily my thumb has gotten greener since then, but I still have a special place in my heart for cacti and other succulents. But if you don't, take a look at how many of those image look like just plain flowers--so if you like them, there's no law that says you have to make them look like succulents. Go crazy!

And here's how big the images are:

And again, great stamping quality:

I'll do a manicure for the other three plates in separate posts, but for now, you know I had to do a mani with the Coffee Addict plate:

I started with a base skittle of Zoya Desiree and Barielle Belly Dance; I stamped with Sally Hansen Sand Storm, and Messy Mansion Carbon and Chalk:

Happy coffee time! With Zoya Desiree, Barielle Belly Dance, and UberChic Beauty Coffee Addict plate

Happy coffee time! With Zoya Desiree, Barielle Belly Dance, and UberChic Beauty Coffee Addict plate

These plates are an excellent way to get a small plate with a bunch of related images to play with. You can find them in UberChic Beauty's store, and don't forget to follow them on Facebook for updates and sales!

Happy stamping,


  1. These plates are wonderful! I especially like the mini designs for small nails. And that succulent images plates - love! It is great to see plates that are not all big florals. Thank you for the review.

  2. Some cute stamping plates these are.

  3. Amazing plates! And that coffee mani is just too good! :)
    Thanks for this review.

  4. Great review! Lovely manicure! I adore this brand and their plates are awesome!

  5. I don't have hardly any small individual images, so I'll have to check these out!


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