Monday, November 30, 2015

Review: UberChic Beauty Collection 6

(Press sample)


I'm back today with UberChic Beauty's 6th collection of awesome plates! First, of course, I have a video review of the plates, which includes my thoughts on how to use the images:

So let's take a look at the images on the plates, first 6-01:

UberChic Beauty 6-01

UberChic Beauty 6-01

UberChic Beauty 6-01

I've dubbed this the 'celebration' plate in my mind, because of the balloons and banners and streamers and presents. But there are a ton of other things to love about this plate--I love the origami-look hearts, and the dotted image for texture. I love the kaleidoscope feel ovals, and the African violets have a special place in my heart.

And 6-02:

UberChic Beauty 6-02

UberChic Beauty 6-02

UberChic Beauty 6-02

My particular favorites on this plate? The keys and locks, the deco images, and that awesome crazy-quilt of geographic flowers and shapes. I love the infinity shapes, and there's just no arguing with how awesome the dotted flower is.

And finally, 6-03:

UberChic Beauty 6-02
UberChic Beauty 6-02

UberChic Beauty 6-02

On a lot of the UberChic collection plates, she gives you a flower image, and then a section of that flower image closer up. In this one she does that, and then gives you a section of the close-up even closer up! Hows that for mix-and-match magnificence? I also love the orchids, the dotticure edging, and the argyle pattern. And the crazy four-point star pattern. *sigh*

Hey! How big are those images? Well, let's take a look (click if you need to enlarge):

 And, the most important thing of all--how do them thar plates stamp?

That's some amazing, crazy good detail. There was a problem with my scraping at the bottom orchid, so don't let that worry you, it was my problem and not the plate. These plates are up to UberChic Beauty's excellent standards, and are going to give you pristine images.

I have yet to get an UberChic Beauty plate that I don't absolutely adore. Excellent quality and a variety of images for every mood--what's not to love?

I'll be back with separate posts with a manicure from each of these plates. In the meantime, you can find these and a ton of other awesome plates at, and if you're a huge UberChic addict like me, join the Facebook Fangroup.

Happy stamping!


  1. Wow, some really lovely images! The "origami hearts", as you dubbed them; the needle drag/almost-water-marble-wannabe!! :) you have to use that one SOON. Oh, and of course you saw brains there, lol.

    1. Brains...brains...BRAINS!!! I just did one with the swirly image, I'll try out the needle drag soon. :)

  2. I just got these plates but havent tried them yet. I love all UC plates!

  3. One more thing to add to my holiday wishlist!

  4. I love Uber Beauty plates so much they have become my latest obsession.

  5. I need to stay away from plates. I have enough addictions as it is. Great review!

  6. I love the design, great review :)

  7. I have been lusting after Uber Chic plates for a while and still don't have any but I really love this set! I am a huge fan of geometric stamping images. Thank you for the thorough look at them!

  8. I love Uber Chic and their plates.

  9. I really love plate 6-02 from this set and not the rest. Man, I can't justify buying the set for just that one plate. Thanks for the review though! I tend to bookmark your stamping plate reviews for reference when deciding what to buy.

  10. Another fantastic plate collection going on my wishlist!

  11. I feel like I need every Uberchic plate in existence!

  12. Great review as always! I love UberChic everything! Great quality!!

  13. I really love some of these designs!


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