Monday, November 16, 2015

NOTD: Waterlilies (featuring UberChic Beauty 5-03)

(Press sample; affiliate links)


I am so excited about today's mani--it's one of the ones that broke my heart to take off!

The beautiful waterlily image on UberChic Beauty 5-03 inspired me to do a take-off on a Monet waterlilies painting:

UberChic Beauty 5-03

I started with a seriotype, because they are the perfect technique to imitate an impressionist painting...I started with Zoya Hunter and Zoya Sia, to lay down an undercoat of dark blue and green. Then I went over it with Zoya Josie, Zoya Skylar, China Glaze Cha Cha Cha, and Sally Hansen Blue Away. To create the lillies, I stamped one full size (with Barry M Silver Foil) and shrank one, then filled them both in with Sally Hansen Lively Lilac and Wet n Wild Who Is Ultra Violet.

Here's how it turned out:

Waterlilies, featuring UberChic Beauty 5-03

Waterlilies, featuring UberChic Beauty 5-03

Waterlilies, featuring UberChic Beauty 5-03

This came out so soft and pretty and impressionist-y and Monet-y...And I love how well the flower image shrank down. Like I say, I had to force myself to take it off because I had other stuff to do...sigh...such is the life of the nail blogger!

You can find this and other awesome UberChic Beauty plates in their store, here.

What do you think? Would Monet be proud?

Happy stamping!


  1. I can't believe how beautifully this turned out! All the techniques turned out perfectly! Truly stunning and I can certainly see why you hated to take this off! Yes, I believe Monet would be very proud of you. You did his work justice.

  2. The manicure you created with this stamping plate is simply gorgeous. Just wow!

    1. Nichole had been inspiring me to do seriotypes lately...:)

  3. Wow.. just a few days ago something reminded me of your series of "inspired by artists" posts and I thought you should definitely do more, and here you are! :) Dear, this is amazing work. And the colours are all so pretty.

    1. Aww, thank you so much, you made my day! I've been meaning to do more of those inspired by artists posts...hopefully soon. :)

  4. This is gorgeous! I need more UC plates!

  5. I think Monet would be mad. Yours is better by a significant margin.

  6. So beautiful! I'd be sad to take this off too!

  7. Beautiful mani, thank you so much for sharing!

  8. This is so amazing! It definitely looks like Art Nouveau decorative arts!

  9. I love this! I wouldn't have wanted to take it off either!


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