Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Review: Messy Mansion MM84XL (or, pretty winter sweater)

(Press samples ahead!)


I'm back today with Messy Mansion's MM84XL plate, one of two plates that feature amazing sweater-type textures. Here's the video I made reviewing the plate:

Let's take a close-up look at the plate:

Messy Mansion MM84XL
Messy Mansion MM84XL

This plate is great, of course, for anyone who knits, crochets, or sews. I do some sewing (yes, have even made clothes for myself!) but crocheting and knitting never quite worked out for me (trust me, you don't want to see the results--an unfortunately number of polyesters lost their lives in the process). But what I personally love about this plate is the textures. Brick-type patterns, braid-type patterns, wide patterns, tight patterns. You can use these behind other images for a ton of looks, or by themselves for a sweater-type look. And don't forget about that lace image--this one has a more hand-crocheted doily sort of look, very different from most of the lace images out there.

In terms of size, the full-nail images are 3/4 of an inch wide by 1 inch tall (approx. 1.9 cm by 2.54 cm), and here's a look with a ruler so you can get a feel for the smaller images:  

How does it stamp?

I got excellent detail with these images. If you're using a clear stamper, I suggest a very gentle scrape so you can get the details with the super-fine lines that clear stampers can get finicky with. :)

For my sample mani, I wanted to do a warm winter sweater mani, since it's been cold around here and I've been digging out snuggly clothes! I started with a base of Spellbound Nails Merry & Bright, then stamped my image with Messy Mansion Red-y Or Not for a tone-on-tone look. To finish it off, I stamped accent nails with MM82XL in Messy Mansion Soft Gold:

Messy Mansion MM84XL over Spellbound Nails Merry & Bright
Messy Mansion MM84XL over Spellbound Nails Merry & Bright

Messy Mansion MM84XL over Spellbound Nails Merry & Bright
Messy Mansion MM84XL over Spellbound Nails Merry & Bright

I love how warm and cozy thi is, and I love how the glitters shine through the textural pattern to make it look like a slightly sparkly sweater. This was another one of those manis I didn't want to take off.

You can find this and other awesome plates in the Messy Mansion store, and don't forget to follow them on Facebook and Instagram! There's also a Facebook group where people share Messy Mansion manis if you want to check that out, too. :)

Happy stamping,


  1. Such a cute sweater inspired stamping design that is.

  2. This is so gorgeous! Messy Mansion has great plates.

    1. They really do. Their Halloween and Christmas plates this year were off the charts!

  3. Great plate. I like the subtle stamping you did.

  4. Great mani. I always love these type of images!

  5. I love this type of sweater plate! I prefer the simple patterns over the more elaborate designs typically associated with ugly Christmas sweaters.

    1. Agreed. I think the textured ones like this just feel warm and fuzzy. :)

  6. Ahhh I love this plate! Could do so many different things with it.

  7. This is such a good plate! I have many friends who would love it.


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